Any pics of this caulerpa?

Noon Taken Ova

New member
Does anybody have pics of this caulerpa in their tank?

Hey Noon Taken Ova,

I have some Caulerpa paspaloids in my tank. I'm afraid I don't have a real great shot of it, though. It is visable behind some other algae and in the reflection on the tank glass.


I just wanted to get any idea of how it looks in the tank, since it looks pretty nice in the pic is posted. Does it over run the tank like grape caulerpa does? how about showing us some pictures of your coffee trees.....dose it make coffee beans that you can grind up and drink?

I believe if they are ground up and boiled in a little bit of water and you strain out the seed bits you get a "coffee" like beverage that is drinkable. I think it is something that settlers did way back when. You can also pop the seeds in an oven and eat a strange giant popcorn. You can't eat the seeds without heating them as they are mildly toxic. I wouldn't recommend eating them... I think its something starving settlers were doing. I don't actually have any pics of the trees here on my campus that these seeds came from. Here's some pictures from google of the tree:

This is what the seedlings look like (I'm very familiar with these :)):

Here's a young tree:

Here's an adult:

awe man....i was hoping it was something that i could injest...they are pretty trees you get strange looks from your class mates when picking the seeds??? oh we are soo off topic here i am sorry...
Heh. The trees are legumes so they make big seed pods that split open neraly all at around the same time. I usually pick the seeds off the ground under the tree in the evenings when no one is around to avoid looking wierd :)

So what sort of hydro stuff do you do?
