Any preliminary plans for new style pumps?


New member
I was just wondering if there are any plans to introduce new pumps that do not have the wire in the tank, akin to those other guys?
I love Tunze products and have owned in the past and currently do own your pumps, but would love to get the cords out!
We don't really feel there is an advantage to this design. There isn't a substantial safety advantage compared to low voltage in the tank. There is a loss of energy efficiency, the 6105 now uses only 28W to pump 3400gph. There is increased complexity as a larger rotating magnet is hard to balance and keep stable and quiet. Not to mention that the easiest way to accomplish this is a patented design.

We have explored bringing back the top mounted air cooled motors to drive a prop but to many this would seem old fashioned and the control method is expensive and while the inside portion would be smaller and without a cord you would still have a big motor sticking up on top of the tank and the only real gain would be no heat transfer to the aquarium, and the main cost to this design would be that servicing and repairing these motors goes beyond the average persons mechanical ability, most people can change an impeller but most non gear heads couldn't change bearings and shim an armature. I would be interested though to hear what people might think of a 2002 or 4002 driving a prop, it is an idea I have pushed for but everyone tells me it is old fashioned and not worth investing in.
I guess everyone has different priorities, but cords in the tank are not an irritant to me. I suppose it depends on your preferred positioning of flow. I tend to put mine near the top to create a gyre circulation. Cords are not an issue.

Minimizing noise along with minimizing maintenance and having high reliability are priorities for me. Coupling through the glass is inherently more noisy and difficult to dampen sound/vibration. You don’t have the advantage of water surrounding the motor. Some very smart guys over there have NOT been able to quiet the pump to my satisfaction. I tried a couple times.

Regarding 2002 style prop pump: I used 2002s for years. By far the most reliable and serviceable pump I have ever come across. Truly an outstanding bit of engineering. However, I think your colleagues may be right, it might not be a worth significant investment to develop prop style top mounted pump given today’s trends.

2002s were awesome, particularly for smaller tanks where high water flow rates often meant you had to battle heat issues. The 2002 solved that by providing an external cooled motor. I used a canopy so the large external motor was not visible. Win-Win.

With the development of the prop pumps, you can now move large amounts of water for relatively little wattage so heat is much less of a concern. At the same time, I (like many others) went to an open top tank with hanging pendant light. Now that I don’t have to worry about heat, I’d much rather have the discrete Stream prop pumps in the tank than an external drive prop pump with the motor above the tank.

If the price was right, an external drive prop pump with 2002/4002 reliability would be awesome for propagation systems, in-wall systems, tanks with canopies, etc. The portion of the market that has trended toward rimless, clean lined, minimalist sets-ups will probably not go for it. If the cost was equal or higher than the equivalent Stream 2, I think it would further reduce the interest. The Stream 2’s are not very obtrusive in the tank.
Thanks for the feedback, I would like to keep this thread open for constructive comments as I will be in Germany soon and after Interzoo we have a R&D meeting. I suggested the 2002/4002 based Stream 4 years ago and it went no where, they do cost more than the Stream 2's especially to control the pumps. I would be curious as to the general feeling of cords in the tank, vs bulk on or above the tank as far as what is more unsightly.
I own Tunze stream pumps but I also own two vortecs and if the previous posts refer to the vortecs as noisy, it simply isn't true. Mine are silent. I love my tunze as well because of the ability to direct flow anywhere. The vortecs do not have that capability but try and make up for it with a huge broad flow. The vortec flow "is" awsome but with many rock scapes, the laminar flow of the vortecs will not eliminate all dead spots.

Both are great pumps!
Lets not turn this into yet another this-brand vs that-brand thread. This is certainly not the appropriate forum for it and that was truly not my intent. After re-reading my post I should have omitted my second paragraph. Sorry for that Roger, et al. We can agree that both are great pumps.

I too would be interested in others opinions about a external motor drives for props.

Roger - I wonder if they would move more water, turn a larger prop, etc.
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Thanks for the feedback, I would like to keep this thread open for constructive comments as I will be in Germany soon and after Interzoo we have a R&D meeting.

Since you asked for it. :D

- The Stream 2 intake grill, while has a larger area than the original Stream, is closer spaced. This makes it more prone to blockage by detritus and algal growth IMO. I'd like to see the future Stream (if there is going to be one) to have a more spaced out grill, or even as different spaced grill as an accessories.

- The original Stream holder is a little shaky. When the Stream 2 runs, it is rock solid and doesn't move at all. I thought the flaw of the original holder can be turned into a feature, as the shakiness helps to diffuse and randomise the direction of the flow a little. I'd love to see if there is a future holder than can take advantage of the vibration of the pump to randomly change the direction of the flow within a specified angle of tolerance. (i.e. there is a knob that can restrict or loosen the random movement.)

- I'd like to see a new range of pump that has a much wider and more diffused flow pattern than the Stream. It may be physically bigger and need not have adjustable direction. (say it look like an underwater box fan, or a Vortech with the size of a small plate) I imagine it would be useful when attached on the back wall and have it blow through a very porous rock structure, that way the rocks would deflect the flow and water would flow out of all the rock crevices. All corals on the rock would get the flow, detritus would get blown out of the rock and the pump stay hidden.
All 3 points may already be solved-

6305.130 has a much wider intake, we generally avoid this as there is more risk of small animals being sucked in.

The new clamp now shipping with the 6205 and 6305 and soon 6105 holds the pump on 4 rubber silicon dampners, this absorbs noise but imparts some shakiness.

The larger housings 6205.130 and 6305.130 create a similar flow pattern on smaller pumps.
Thanks for the feedback, I would like to keep this thread open for constructive comments as I will be in Germany soon and after Interzoo we have a R&D meeting. I suggested the 2002/4002 based Stream 4 years ago and it went no where, they do cost more than the Stream 2's especially to control the pumps. I would be curious as to the general feeling of cords in the tank, vs bulk on or above the tank as far as what is more unsightly.
I would like a product like this. I have a canopy and the motor above the tank would be hidden.
The best upgrade would be to have a stream that has the ability to rotate on its own, side to side, up and down, or random. That would be amazing. It would be the ultimate in creating random flow.
Yes, a rotating stream pump. I have seen people to that with a third party motor. Great flow. I agree, very cool.
i will loved 6205 even more if the vibrating sound vanished!
hopefully there is a new clamp upgrade kit available for the current 6105, 6205 and 6305 to eliminate the vibrating noise! other than that its perfect!

PS: self cleaning will be better than rotating stream! LOL
The vibrating sound will be solved by a new clamp that will be available very soon, new pumps are just now shipping with this new clamp. Rotation will never happen, it is a safety hazard. By international safety regs, aquarium pump cords must be PVC, PVC is resistant to ozone but not UV, overtime MH lights cause the PVC to harden and over time, movement will break the cord. For this reason, we will never do it. The only other methods would involve a bulky and unreliable mechanical oscillation of the output.
The change to the lower voltage and larger prop was made some time ago. It is doubtful that you would find many if any on any store shelves these days of the older "revision".
As Shawn said, the 24V models were only available for about 6 months and for at least a year they have been 18V.