Any problem mounting a stream via mag/mount to a overflow box?


New member
I have (2) streama 6000's, and (2) magnet mounts, now im just waiting for marine depoe to get a muti controler in stock and ship to me! My tank is only viewable from the left side and the front, so plasing a stream on the right side of tank isnt a problem as it dosent block a view, but as far as the left side I wanna keep it clear for viewing so i was considering plaseing the second stream on the side of the overflow( in the corner of the back glass and overflow) faceing the right side of the tank kinda angled in as much as it will allow for angle movement. Will this work and as far as the stream on the right side of the tank think it should be more to the front of the tank so the streams are literaly catycornered to each other? And one last question if vogerV answers this post( and im sure he will , he's a great rep)Any idea when marine depoe will be getting some 7095 controllers and any idea how many are already sold and on a back order list? Thnx
I can only say that my backorder list is about 120 multicontrollers. I sent out 40 last week to dealers but that is still 120 left after that. I will see what I can do but no more will be coming in for this week. I don't think you would want them aimed directly at each other, generally it is preferred they are aimed from back corner to front center.