Any word on larger sized Streams?

I have been using one for about a month now. It is not what I expected, not in a bad way but I thought it would move water further. The 6200 is like the 6100 except the transformer is bigger, the driver has been changed to handle more power, the prop is larger and the outlet is 2.5" instead of 2". The large outlet makes a much wider jet. My impression is the flow is gentler than the 6100 and has the same reach- about 6-7ft. My test tank is 10ft by 18" but I predict the flow pattern would be roughly 30" wide at about 2ft from the outlet. The holder is also more robust and the drive unit is beefed up to handle more torque. I expect to begin selling them in March. It just moves alot more water in a similar area though deeper and wider than the 6100.