Anybody had/have a Presa Canario?


New member
Researching Presa Canario's as a possible breed choice. Anybody have any experience with them. My main conerne is their image. I think they would make a fine pet and family member provided they are well socialized, trained, and monitored at all times. Would appreciate any experiences anyone has had one.



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I had one. Amazing dog! Mine was a beast, topped out at 155lb. One of the friendliest dogs. But I do have to say not a beginner large breed dog. Extremely active for a 120lb+ dog. From my experience most mastiff breeds are a lil on the lazy (for lack of a better word), meaning they tire very quickly, not presa's they're "running mastiffs". It would take alot to ware my presa out, constantly moving and wanting to play and run. But like with any pet its all in the training and I would say they need alot. But if trained right they are amazing animals.
they will be as they are raised. they have a "stigma" but they can be very very good dogs. its all in how you raise them and socialize them.
we have a 185 lb Neopolitain mastiff he is a love a goofy giant until you raise your voice at me or my GF then he fixates on the person and waits for a move ( tested this). once a move is made he will grab hold firmly kinda funny i will say we never ever taught him this.
Oo and to add a lil I would say these dogs 100% need a backyard to run and play in. Not a very suitable apartment dog unlike my bull mastiff who was a mutant at 181lbs was perfectly content in an apartment with regular walks 3-4 times a day.
I'd like to add, as with any large dog, they NEED training and they need rules. This is a powerful breed and like someone else said it's not a beginner large dog breed. Lots and lots of exercise, positive training and you will have an amazing loyal friend.

Amazing dogs.
side note as w/ all large breeds if your unfamiliar
PLEASE DONT fix it till after 2 years if at all they need the hormones during that time for best growth
our boy is over now he has never hiked a leg or demonstrated any ill manners until then he will keep the package.
oh btw as w/ all mastiffs make sure you buys a bunch of hand towels and keep them around when the slingers start
The good thing is presa drool considerably less then a lot of other breeds, unlike my bull who would be standing next to a puddle if the people down the street were cooking.
The good thing is presa drool considerably less then a lot of other breeds, unlike my bull who would be standing next to a puddle if the people down the street were cooking.

Did a lot of people think your presa was a " pitbull on steroids"?
O yea. Although a lot of people are intimidated by large dogs in general my presa would get a lot of negative responses from people because they are large and have some facial resemblances to pitbulls.
Puppy pic, all I can find at the moment.
Also I dunno if u live in a community or what but check with ur area, i've heard they've recently been added to a lot of banned lists, as stupid as those restricted lists are.
Also I dunno if u live in a community or what but check with ur area, i've heard they've recently been added to a lot of banned lists, as stupid as those restricted lists are.

I know pitbulls are banned in dade county. But presa canario is a mastiff breed.
Yea but a lot of communities have a restricted list of different breeds that arent aloud. I had a hard time finding a place my bull was aloud.