Anybody have any frags their selling?


New member
Does anyone have any frgs their selling? Please personal message me. I've been having alot of problems buying coral from lfs coming to find out they're taken from the wild. I'm going to stick to tank raised or at least ones that have been acclimated. If that makes any sense. Thank you.
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ALL corals in the hobby came from the wild at some point.
As for acclimation, you do that. When you first introduce the coral to your system.
I know but I'm talking about frags that are fragged from in an aquarium. It seems like to me if a piece goes from an aquarium to a new aquarium then they seem to do better and acclimate faster as opposed to if you pull a piece from the wild and try to acclimate it. It seems like corals I have bought from individuals do better then ones I have gotten from stores or online. They seem to acclimate much faster. That's what I meant by that. I would rather get a piece fragged from an individuals aquarium rather then a website or a store.