Anybody purchased tigger pods or artic pods?


Wrasse aficionado
I just added a refugium to my tank and wanted to boost the population of pods in my aquarium. I wanted to know your experiences with these or is it just a waste of money? I have a copper banded butterfly and a mandarin who have depleted my copepod population.
Tigger pods are live but arctipods are dead, arcti's are good fish & coral food.
The tiggers just need to be fed phyto to stay alive.
I just bought some Tiger Pods from the LFS on Oakland park Blvd just east of 95 on the north side of the street. Cant remember the name they just received a shipment of tiger pods last Wednesday. I see them running all over the rock at night. I have only had them since Thursday. I'm trying to get my pod population up to get a Mandarin
Thanks for the update.....will have to run out and check them out. Anybody know what LFS it is he is talking about??? Exotic aquatics?
Yes, Exotic Aquatic is the store on East Oakland Park Blvd and NE 2nd. They carry Tigger Pods. I've used them a couple of times to boost my fuge pop. They're alive, they work.