anybody use/own the fuji s5100 digital camera?


New member
i am thinking about purchasing one of these for general photography and shooting the tank. looking for some reviews from people here. i already read all the reviews on the photo websites. looking for some practical experiences.
While I cannot comment on the S5100 I can say that I've seen results from the S9000 (newest model is the S9100) and can tell you that results are very good and learning curve in minimal. This is from friends of mine who are getting very good at photography with it.
Heh, I just came in here to look for info on the S5200 (local retailer is blowing them out for 248 (cdn)). Major dissapointment for me is apparently the manual focus isn't so useable; something I know i'll have issues with.
how does the manual focus work? is it a button? is there no ring to turn on the lens? my wife and i have a canon point and shoot and the focus thing ticks me off on that. you have to use a button to approximate the distance to the object. if you didnt have the manual right there, you never would have found how to manual focus it. that is one of the reasons i want to find a different camera. thanks.
It's not DSLR style manual - more like a point and shoot manual control...

Rather than twisting the lens, you're toggling the zoom in/out to focus when in manual focus mode. Which according to some reviewers isn't possible without a tripod as you're trying to press 2 buttons with your right hand at the same time (all while balancing the camera)
Ok, I bit on the sale anyway...

Few shots just d/l'd - photochopping just to crop/resize.




Manual focus is almost impossible to use... You've gotta reach behind the shutter button (I end up using index finger, middle finger becoming the new shutter digit)press & hold the +/- button, then reach across with your left hand to the M / T buttons on the back face and dial in the picture (which is 1 press/second - can't just press and hold - which would be REALLY nice), then back across to lock the focus...

However the AF isn't completely screwed up by the front glass (like my canon a530 - just cannot autofocus through it), 2 of the above were on full automagic mode.