Anyone been stung?


Whistler's Mother
This culprit, in my mantis tank, had the nerve to sting the bejeezus out of me when I decided to move it the other day *sneer* It about lost it's home.



The damage (I still have fantastic little red dots all over my arm, and it's been 2 days):

Yeah, the redness and burning was gone within a few hours after lots of cortisone and benadryl. Now all that remains are pimple like bumps where each nematocyst fired.

I knew my anemones irritated me, but never figured any of my corals would, but it would make sense with the mushrooms since they are so closely related to anemones.

huh... I've been stung by Aiptasia (After having my arms badly chapped from working in tanks all day) but never by any sort of 'shroom.

Then again, I only have standard hairy, purple and rics.
one time i touched mine just like that and it got stuck to my skin. almost like velcro so i know it stung me, but i must not be allergic to it. got stung by a bee too and it wasn't a big deal.
I had a small paper cut on my finger I didn't know about until I brushed against my bubble coral. It was a sensation I would rather not relive and now always use gloves when I stick my hand in the tank.
I play with my rhodactis all the time :D ive never been stung.. ive even touched my sun corals and dendro's and i dont even feel it...
Man o man, carpet anemones are no joke. I always test the stinging power of my corals prior to placing them in the display. Needless to say it never made it into the display. Nor did the foxface!
wow, ouch. I've had my hands pretty much all over everything in my tank, green bubble tip, frogspawn, hammer, ricordia, zoas. None have ever affected me.
Yeah, the redness and burning was gone within a few hours after lots of cortisone and benadryl. Now all that remains are pimple like bumps where each nematocyst fired.

I knew my anemones irritated me, but never figured any of my corals would, but it would make sense with the mushrooms since they are so closely related to anemones.


I get those same bumps from food allergies, especially something in artifical vanilla flavoring. you must be allergic to their sting. i've been stung by my rock anemone all the time. My hand just get red marks with a slight irritation but never hives like that.