Anyone else ever had trouble...


New member the inlet of a Mag7 pump? I have tried 2 different fittings and taped them 3 or 4 times each but it just wont seal.

I don't understand. What is going on?
The mag seven has a 1/2" pipe thread intake, what fittings are you trying to use?
isnt it actually 5/8? I remember having a mag that was 5/8 on the out put .. I imagine that intake would be the same size
It is a 1/2" male pipe thread for sure. Perhaps the threads are bad not allowing the fitting to start correctly.
if it is a female thread and you taped much tape will crack the fitting. Trust me I know I did that to the eheim on my (geo) calcium reactor. It cracked ever so slightly on the bottom when I took it out of line and looked close I found the crack in the fitting.
I already tried a different fitting. Same thing.

Something is screwed up with the treads or something. The fitting screws on normal and tightens up.

Maybe I will try silicone.
Okay, thought I would check. If the fitting is threading on okay but will not seal aquarium silicone will work, you should not have to use that though.