Anyone Else Have to Magfloat Daily?


New member
I mag float my DT glass almost every day and have for well over a year now. I get a reasonable amount of dust algae build up on the glass even an hour or two after cleaning it. Nitrates are undetectable, even with the red sea low range kit, and phosphates are very low also, although to be honest I have not tested in quite a while. I have minimal, nearly no nusicence algae in the display.

I'm not so much trying to solve any problem. The tank is doing really well right now, lots of growth, etc... Just wondering if I'm the only one that has this much trouble keeping my glass clean?
When I was taking care of customer's tanks, I found out Magfloats wear out (but I had 100 tanks on my route!).
Your Magfloat pads may be worn out, and might only be scraping the surface and not getting all the way to the glass. I have to fight algae every day and use a razor blade about every 7-8 days as well.
You can purchase new pads for Magfloats without buying a whole new scraper. Peel the old ones off, and replace. The replacements come already glued.
I can't remember where I used to buy my replacement pads - sorry.
My glass gets cloudy within two days or so. I'm not so sure it's algae, it may be bacteria (at least in my tank). It looks red-ish. My tank is also doing quite well right now, so I'm not worried about it.
When I was taking care of customer's tanks, I found out Magfloats wear out (but I had 100 tanks on my route!).
Your Magfloat pads may be worn out, and might only be scraping the surface and not getting all the way to the glass. I have to fight algae every day and use a razor blade about every 7-8 days as well.
You can purchase new pads for Magfloats without buying a whole new scraper. Peel the old ones off, and replace. The replacements come already glued.
I can't remember where I used to buy my replacement pads - sorry.

I hadn't even thought about that, but I bet a new inside pad might help some. It's the same one I've been using for forever.
Every 3 days for me.

As for the old float theory. I've been using the same one for 8 years with no issue.

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I clean mine whenever I get tired of looking at dirty glass. Could be anywhere from 2-3 days or a week or more. I'd say after maybe 3-4 is when it needs it though.
Undetectable nitrates is the culprit. Raise your nitrates up some even to 1-2 ppm and the daily dusting will be gone and your corals will have better color
Undetectable nitrates is the culprit. Raise your nitrates up some even to 1-2 ppm and the daily dusting will be gone and your corals will have better color

I've often suspected this or something like this. I have been trying to get detectable nitrates by feeding frozen almost every day for a couple months now. Would you consider dosing nitrate? Or just keep at it with feeding and maybe add a couple more fish?