Anyone have a koi pond?


New member
My parents have i believe around a 1500-2000 gallon pond in their back yard. It was setup less than a year ago. Just curious if anyone that does have one uses a heater for nights like we have had in the last few days. They have about 8 gold fish, koi sized and several hundred tiny guppies. They woke up this morning to find a few floating guppies. Goldfish appear to be fine. Anyone using a heater and if so, can recommend a good one?
The thing is, it would be really hard to keep that water heated. You would need a pool heater just to keep it at a decent temp. Luckily for the koi, they should be able to fight through it. I have heard of people moving their koi inside for cold times ( especially up north when it is worse, a lot longer. )
When living up north, we used to have a floating heater that's only purpose was to keep a hole in the ice for oxygen exchange, but the fish would basically hibernate at the bottom. All koi.
I saw the floating heater but did read it was mainly for breaking up the ice. I guess its nothing to worry about. Thanks.
Deleted my erroneous posting, as I misread your information. Guppies are warm water fish; the pond needs temps to be above 65F to avoid further loss...
Koi and Goldfish - No issues. Anything tropical is not going to make it if water temp drops into the 50's. If you have any guppies or tropicals left, those I would move inside.
I had one when I lived in New Jersey and also have one now. In New Jersey, the pond would freeze in the winter and when it thawed in the spring all the gold fish and koi survived. The mosquito fish in the canals are hardy and can survive in the pond.