anyone have any info on the successful use of peas to expel gas from digestive system


New member
my angler gulped some air tonight and is showing signs of it as he appears to be fighting against a slight bouyance when at bottom of tank. he is able to chill at bottom but i can seee a slight rise in his back end that he is controlling by hold on to live rock with feet and a rythmic jet exhaust from arm pit. i called a online dealer and was instructed to feed boiled peeled peas. anyone have success using peas to help flush air bubbles from a fishes stomach. i know it is air from the stomach cause before i was about to feed him he got excited and jumps at the surface . he didnt jump out but appeared to try to swallow something he thought was at the surface. immediately he tried to float down and couldnt . thus he began fighting against the boyance. i tried to "burp" and immediately afterwards he swam around and bubles came out of his mouth. but he still is fighting against a bouyancy. anyways anyone have or heard or feel that this is a good mode of attack to help my angler? does is work? anyone have seen it work? and how long does it ussually take to cure this air issue? thanks guys
never heard of it, good luck. I've only ever done puffers, and for that I get them wrangled up in a net - head up and tail down - when they inflate/deflate in that position air is expelled with the water.
The pea trick is usually recommended for goldfish that have blockages. I've not heard of that for anglers. Anglers are meat eaters also.

You might try the puffer burping trick. I've not had to try this myself, though. But it sounds reasonable. You could just carefully hold your angler in your hand rather than use a net. Anglers pretty much will let you pick them up.

If he's not having a super hard time, my tendency would be to just leave him alone. Make sure your tank doesn't have a lot of water flow, so he doesn't get all stressed and tired trying to stay in one spot.
well there is no need. the pea trick worked. live aquaria was very very very confident that this would work. and it did. they even said that in thier facility's they always feed the new angler arrivals peas to help expell air that was gulped during transport.
oh yeah it worked in about 7 hours!
well honestly they dont like it. they told me that it would be ok to hide it in a silver side. but as some of you may know when you have a happy angler they eat anything you drop in. so at first he ate the first pea...then he didnt want anything to do with the next so i hide/stuffed it in krill and he was happy to eat that. the main thing that the people at live aquaria said was that as long as the stress hasnt stopped his appitite he will survive. the next step wasnt discussed if he wasnt eating.
but honestly one pea was recommended as long as the fish is small ( about a baseball size.) a softball should get it doesnt take alot from what i was told.they said to feed just one but i gave him two.
I seen this and never heard of that before But I do feed my trigger & Filefish Fresh Frozen Peas 1-2 times a week, my Volitans & Fuzzy fight to get it before the

They all love peas, I try not to feed the lions Peas but they make that mad dash to get it, I have done this for about 1 1/2 - 2 years now with no ill effects.

I am glad to see it worked on your angler....

thats neat. my angler does not like peas. he ate one but woundlnt eat another. when i added krill he accepted it immediately...without the krill the second time he ignored it for a while. thanks for your info and i too am happy my angler survived
Wow - first I've heard of that technique! Glad to hear that worked for you! :dance:

There is a thread in Reef Discussion entitled, "The Frogfish Files." It is a multi-pg. discussion of experiences and tips on anglers. It would be great if you posted this pea trick there as well.
i am certainly happy to do it .ill search it out and tell em. my angler is as happy as can be. i looking at him right now and hes sitting as close to me as possible wiggling his pole. he obviously has begun to associate me with food. lol
The thread begins here, then it was split and continues here.

If you've the patience to go through it, you'll also find interesting links to more angler info.

Best of luck w/ your fish!