I just purchased a Citron Goby for my nano and this is a great fish. I had thought about a regular Clown Goby, but this one is a bit bigger and has these beautiful blue stripes on his yellow body. Anyway, I was informed that he might eat frozen mysid or maybe even pellets. I don't believe he's been eating either one, or maybe he's shy about eating in front of me...I'm not sure. He looks kind of skinny, but I'm not sure if he may have been that way when I got him. I've tried frozen mysid, spectrum pellets, and even some zooplankton I've got in the fridge, but he doesn't seem to touch any of it. I'm thinking of going and getting some brine shrimp next and seeing if he likes live stuff.
Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanx!
Here's what he looks like in case you're curious...
Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanx!
Here's what he looks like in case you're curious...