Anyone have this coral?- they would have gotten from me


Active member
in the past.

I sold this coral over approx 2-3 years at frag swaps, and from my home to visitors. I called it "white skin with purple polyp acro", or AquamanE acro, etc...

I lost the 8" colony during move from 120 to 200G. THis picture is from 7/2010.

If you have PLEASE let me know, ide like to buy a frag.

Eddie, I think I have a piece but when my p04 hit the high mark, it changed colors. you can take a look at it any time you want and if you want a frag, it's all yours. No charge. ;)
Eddy. That was a great coral! I have to admit (just don't tell josh he will remind me to often). But I killed it! Hurt so much I buried it with some of my other favorites. Lol got a few others that came from your tank shinning pretty. Like your famous crayola!
I got a piece of that at the frag swap. I lost it, you said to come pick up another for free, I should have listened to you. ) ;

Maybe I could have grown it out, maybe not. RIP AquamanE acro