Anyone interested in custom Filter Socks?


New member
I used to make these a while back when i had a sump, but after i moved due to certain situations i couldnt include a sump in my set up until now. So, i have started to add filter socks to my return lines and to other sources of water output and thought to myself as i was fabricating them, "maybe i can make more of these and sell them". They would be MUCH cheaper than buying them at the LFS, and i can use a variety of materials.

So im just posting here to see if anyone would be interested in purchasing any. I dont have any prices yet, until i see if anyone would even be interested. I have access to top quality sewing machines a couple times a week where i work and the output of the quality of the product (the filter socks) were very high. High quality stitching and any design is possible.

I have made about 5-6 today just to test it out and i needed some for myself anyways so i will try to post some pictures tonight when i get home for you all to see. I can make any size, any design (for those of you with unique set ups). I can use a variety of materials and densities. For example, today, i made a small sock to fit over my return line out of 100 micron material, in that sock i make a smaller sock out of filter floss to fit nested inside of the 100 micron sock so as not to clog up the 100 micron as fast.

The possibilites are only limited by your needs, recomendations, and ideas. Thanks!

I forgot to mention. If you have the material yourself, and you live closeby, you can just drop off the material and the measurements, and i would just chrage for the labor. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11561082#post11561082 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blackthunda77
Wheres argyle?

:D Good one Dave, the argyle pattern is commonly seen in socks. Here's the Wikipedia entry.

Argyle pattern

He's just pulling your leg, uh sock.

That's an interesting idea, 'thunda. I'll think about where to put one in my setup.
cmon guys. i know most of use still use these on our sumps or in one way or another around the tanks. ill be posting pictures tomorrow morning of the ones i have made.
How is the top (open end) of the sock formed? I'm guessing that you're just doing an sewn in, versus a plastic ring, since you probably don't have the facilities to do rings.
Im working on incorporating the plastic rings, im just trying to find a DIY ring that i can use that would be cost effective and easy to install. LEt me know if you have any ideas. I was toying with the idea of cutting thin pieces of pvc of specific diameters and sewing into the opening.
Eh. PVC would be a PITA to drill the holes in to sew the sock to it... I guess you could put the ring into the inside of a dual layer (inner and outer) sock, then sew a line under it to keep it in place. That might work well, and be cost effective.......

I'm sure you can find the right rings with the handles and stuff though, it's just a matter of finding it... :/ good luck tho! sounds like a great project
What micron are you currently using? I would be interested in some, personally I would like to see some sort of elastic band around the top? A drawstring for now would be ok too. In my setup, I would find it easier to not have the ring and just let it attach to the spa flex hosing.

I would be looking for somewhere between 150-200 micron, the normal lenght/width that the filter socks come in.
Here are some shots of the Filters i made yesterday. Their on the small size but i was just testing them out.

as you can see, this is the one that is doubled up with filter floss

a shot of the larger one

a close up of the stitching

and one on my newly DIY'ed sump. Im actualy very [pleased with it. Its still veryclean after 3 weeks while using those socks. so any of the garbage that comes in through the over flows ges caught in the filter sock, and all the benifitial pods and algea gets sent int he main display after reproducing in the fuge. :)
