Anyone know what this is?


New member
I saw this creeping around the tank about a week ago late at night. Never have seen it out during the day. When the camera flashed to take the picture it slide back into the rock. Seemed like some type of cucumber or sluge?


Any ideas?


I use to find them all the time in my tank, I would pull them out because I thought they were eating my zoa's. I don't know the exact name, but if they move slowly like slugs and the other side as a bunch of tiny little feet, I would try and get him out...
Yea in the same area that "creature" was I have lost a few zoanthids. Next time I see it I will take it out.


Looks like a limpet to me. Not necesarily reef safe.
BTW if it lives in the same spot IMO most likely it is.
That does NOT look like a limpet to me... however, I've never seen that, so I can't rule it out. Looks more like a cowrie to me, and the lots of little feet remark kindof supports that. They don't have feet, but some of them have mantles that have hundreds of tiny short "tentacles/tassles" on them that could be misconstrued as feet pretty easily. Look up cowries, and you might find what you're looking for. As for zoos disappearing, I doubt it's eating them (if it is a cowrie, anyway) More likely, he's sucked onto that rock so good that when he moves up against them, he's "squeegee-ing" the zoos off the rock. Just a crazy thought
Thanks for the help guys. I saw the end of him going into the rock so I grabbed the closest sharp object which was a fork and stabbed the end of him LOL but he still got away.

Will be on the look out again tonight.

Well I still have yet to get this thing out of the tank.

Yesterday I was ready and had a perfect position for attacking and struck it with a fork and nothing happened! This creature is so tough that with all my might it didn't even peirce the skin. It then did some matrix quick moves and dipped out into the rock before I could go in for another stabbing...

Creature 2 Ding2daDong 0

Then tonight I just saw him creeping around in a good position to grab it so I went in again and just grabbed it. I got a hold of half of the body and pulled with all my might and it was so attached to the rock that it lifted my 60lb+ peice of LR an inch or so before I finally let go. It then proceeded to do the matrix fast "get the hell out of here" moves and fled the scene...

Creature 3 Ding2daDong 0

Tomorrow I am getting those locking pliers that dentists use and an exacto knife. I will hit him with the double attack combo moves as seen on street fighter. lol

Honestly this thing is being the biggest pain to get out.

Does anyone know if it can sting me or bite me?


They are fascinating critters tho. I'd be thrilled to have one in my tank. From what I read they are extremely slow growing, and if that is very large, it could well be older than you are. Keep it....
matt you have a chiton, for sure. they come in on some of the rock that robert gets. they have seemed to be harmless so far, as with most gastropod like creatures the underside is the softest part of his body,
dont know if that helps.
actually bckane, you pic looks more like a fleshy limpet... I love those things, and anyone that has one is welcome to exile it to my tank.

As for the critter lifting a 60 lb rock, it is starting to sound more like a chiton.