Anyone try regal angel in reef?


New member
I've read that the regal angelfish is reef safe with caution. I have a mixed reef with sps,lps zoas etc. Anyone have or have tried this fish in a reef and how did it work out?
Had mine over 2 yrs in 450g DT mixed reef with no problems...might be responsible for missing Zoas , but otherwise I'm considering adding another
I have one now, about a inch and a half juvenile. He picks on my cinnamon polyps constantly and will pick on leathers every now and then when their polyps are extended. Doesn't bother my other corals yet. I've had him about 2 months now
I'm tempted, saw one yesterday at a LFS. From what I've read and your experiences, the only thing I really have to worry about are my zoas/palys.
I have one in my 210 for about 6-7 months. The only thing he went after is any Zoas/Palys that I had in my tank. He didn't even bother those in the beginning but I added some Multi-Bar Angels and he learned from them.