Natybug, MBvash, Techno: Thanks for the kudos (and interest)
Techno: Good luck with the new spearer (someday I will venture in that direction as well). Spearers are especially interestering (I think) though a bit costlier to feed 'naturally.'
Update from Day 5:
The 'last' of the major importations of LR was today and the mandatory reorganization of every other piece in the tank (save for the piece Tim has already chosen to live under/in). Tim's been busy. He now has tunnels under his home to 4 entrances. He has been chipping away at the underside of his home and then bulldozing the chips and sand out from underneath. It's been a blast listening and watching; also been enjoying explaining what's happening to my very interested cube-mates in the office.
Added a 50w heater (to prevent nighttime temp swings) and an AquaClear PowerHead 101 for additional circulation.
Ordered the 20" 96w Corallife Aqualight (for $97) today and hope that it gets here quickly. The little CSL retro-kit I am using would've fit perfectly on top of a 2.5 gallon, it just isn't nearly big enough or bright enough to cover the 10g.
Here's what his tank looks like today (w/ flash to compensate for lack of light):
The tank is already teeming with pod-life (I think I got lucky on one piece of fresher LR - or my home tank is doing MUCH better than I thought and the pods just hide from me while in that tank).
Added a few newly split-off polyps, baby-shrooms and some red-turf algae clippings as well (another reason I want the new lighting to show up quickly). The Xenia aren't happy at all currently, but both stands survived the weekend and I am confident they will last until the light arrives as well.
A pic of one of the new polyps (with a bonus for the keen observer):
Another tankmate that stowed away on a piece of LR. The red duster-worms are my favorite little find... they were getting 'lost' in my 'larger' tank though, so here they are in the 10g.
Now the only new thing I have nticed regarding Tim is that he is getting harder and harder to photograph. He just doesn't go out into the open any longer. Hopefully that will change with time, but can anyone confirm or deny that?
Stay tuned for more later...