<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15706386#post15706386 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by McSassy
Oops...you did mention the dual haha. Thanks for the clarification. Do you run both medias for the same amount of time?
I currently do not have a system up and running. I'm in the planning stage for a ~175 gallon display + ~50 gallon sump. I guess you could say I'm in between tanks.
I plan to run both carbon and GFO. The life span of carbon varies based on brand and shape/size of the carbon. It also varies based upon the water quality of your tank. Based upon a study I read, (
http://www.pets-warehouse.com/carbon.html ) the TLF Hydrocarbon 2 is probably the highest quality carbon you can get. It's also about the most expensive.
Carbon life? granular activated carbon (GAC)
"Under conditions of aggressive DOC removal (skimming, water changes, GAC use), the GAC charge should last over a month, but under more passive nutrient removal husbandry (no skimming? no frequent water changes?), the GAC charge will be depleted in just a few days." Source:
Realistically, the carbon is going to work really well for several days; rapidly decline in effectiveness after a week and exhausted at six weeks (source
http://www.hallman.org/filter/gac.html ). I think most people that use carbon, including myself, change it monthly.
A product like rowaphos will usually last several months. It really depends upon how much phosphate you have in your system. (It's important to use RO/DI water, drain and rinse the liquid from frozen fish foods, and feed properly.) Start using the rowaphos as directed. You need to do weekly testing for phosphates. When the phosphates start to elevate you need to replace the media. Then you will know how long the media lasts in your system and you can anticipate next time when to replace the media before your phosphate levels start to elevate.