Anyone use pantyhose for activated carbon?

You guys (and girls?) might want to check with your local homebrew (beer making) store. Ask for hop bags. Generally, they come in two flavors- "nice" ones that are more or less the same as media bags we use in the reef hobby (but cheaper, and available really big), and "disposable" ones that are dirt cheap and meant to be tossed - more or less like pantyhose, but actually made for soaking a solid in a liquid - and they're totally food-safe.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15707749#post15707749 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by austin93
I use pantyhose too...... I mean for carbon. Only carbon. Seriously. Carbon.

...and that's your story... :bum:

Based upon a study I read, ( ) the TLF Hydrocarbon 2 is probably the highest quality carbon you can get.

I have used the TLF Hydrocarbon 2 for extended periods. While it works well in regards to absorption capabilities, it has a VERY high ash content. I found the amount of rinsing necessary to be excessive. At the recommendation of many, I moved to Bulk Reef Supply's ROX 0.8 Carbon. It has much less ash, and overall I feel it outperforms TLF's Hydrocarbon 2.
The tlf one of the most user friendly reacter I have come acroos, using them for almost 8 years. They dont take much time to replace with new media.
Innovation at it's best here :D
Any other alternative use for any other apparel? :D

How come none of the women reefers dint comment on this yet? Are they worried about us guys "using" these items?:lolspin: I mean use for Reefing purposes!
I can see many of you guys are already using these and now "coming out" and "admitting" Any other skeletons on the closet??? :lol2:

Many of us gonna have a tough time convincing our better half about buying this nylons in bulk lol
And for guys who's wives don't use this it's gonna be a nightmare to purchase. So be aware be very aware :hammer:
If pulled tightly enough they can also be used to "cover" power heads to prevent anemones from becoming chopped to death.
Do you know what the resultant differences are between Activated Carbon and Ozone?

Cause I too am a bit lazy about changing out the carbon reactor "“ if there is no real difference then wouldn't ozone be easier?
I use the gac in a pair of hose in front of a return. Always have.
I never really knew when to replace it. It doesn't bother me but if someone comes over I just take it out and throw it in the fuge till they are gone.. I use leggings .. I start down at the toe, pour in the gac about a softball size then I tie a knot and cut it of... next time I tie a knot to start fill and tie another knot.. have your wife or girlfriend hit the dollar store and buy a three pack it will last a year for about 5 bucks.
Update on the post I started. As it turns out... I am so lazy that even with pantyhose I can't seem to keep my media changed. I realized two weeks ago that I had not changed my media in two months. When I opened up my reactor... it smelled like a sewer pipe and the media was like cement.

So.... no reactors for me for awhile. I think I'll go back to tossing a bag of carbon in the filter sock. Pantyhose are working well though.