anyone want a 125g??


New member
ok so heres the deal, its an AGA 125g, 6ft long.. NON RR!

its in ok shape, definitly holds water! the plastic trim is old and beaten up.. its not scratched bad, just some around the base.. never had copper in the system.

2 thinks i ask for...

1, come get it! i cant bring it anywhere or meet you half way, not trying to be dificult but i dont have a truck anymore bc last time i was gonna do it i lost the truck to a deer...haha but the tank made it(that time! right

2, not looking for money, but maybe a frag or 2 would be nice..

so who wants it? and i dont have any pics of it right now, but if you want one PM me your cell # and i will send you a pic..
id love it but my parents would kill are the dimensions maybe i can hid it somewhere....hahaha
Damn. If I could fit it into my car I'd pick it up for my gf. She's got a Fahaka Puffer that will eventually need a tank that big some day.

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I love this video... my favorite band's music is in it too. :bounce3:

He's going from a 10g --> 55g Long... but in the long run a 125 is something that he'll need. He's about 3.5" right now. Bought him at about 2".

Supposedly they are one of the fastest growing freshwater fish -- 1"/month

But I think his growth has been stunted due to him being in the 10g for so long :mad2:

But he'll be going into the 55g shortly..
i think the red tailed catfish is a faster grower i had one go from 2" to 7 in 3 months
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