Anything going on in the 831?

keep a eye out on that cap.. if all your parameters are stable (cal,alk and mag) that thing grows stupid fast!..
???? stupid fast growing blue polyped monti ??

im dowwwn! :D

and as far as another BBQ- im game for sure.. we should make it a regular thing.

anyone going up to see Devin the Dude tonight in S.C.?
I dont know of any.

I hear PP is going to get some ORA next week. Snowflakes, zebra maximas, Red Planets, all kinds of stuff!
Matt, I think the only thing that up there in Gilroy is petco, if head that way though your best bet is to go more north and check out the bay area reef store's...
PP is having a "MEGA SALE" this weekend I was hearing about. Something about discounts on all corals this Sat and Sun only.

Im gonna go swoop everything off the cheap racks haha!
Hmmm.... I may have to try and get down there to check it out, it has been a while since i have been to the store.
The store looks great. That new guy with the tattoo on his arm has been putting in alot of work it seems. The frag racks look awesome!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14976200#post14976200 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kraylen
The store looks great. That new guy with the tattoo on his arm has been putting in alot of work it seems. The frag racks look awesome!
yeh the store does look much better recently. Im liking all of the frags on the 15 $ rack..finally some options for the broke reefkeepr! and the fact that someone cleaned all the nuisance algae off of their eggcrate. im still making my mind up about that tattooed cat. one thing is for sure.. he is definitely putting some hard work in- i can't fathom ben scrubbing bryopsis loaded eggcrate... Finally someone broke down that cube the have to the left of the reg! I look forward to seeing what they do with that.
Ive been taking some pics of some of their corals and will post some soon.
I will be going back there soon... I go back to work on the 16th so that means I get to take a extra drive to check the store out and maybe buy some more goodies... does anybody know if PP carries PE mysis? or reef nutrition goods?
what up DML-
yes PP stocks PE and Reef Nutrition products.. although I think they are currently out of Tigger pods, I believe they have the other products in stock.
hey all i didnt really know people were on this forum last time i was on it was a year ago and there was only one guy pretty much talkimng to himself haha but i live in boulder creek. need more stores is picture perfect good still? also i got a 20L if any one wants it i go to santa cruz daily need it out if my girlfriends parents house
yamaha racer I know exactly what you mean & i do remember what you are talking about, this place has been dead for quite some time.
What do you want for the 20l? I may have a need for it but i am a little farther down in Freedom. Let me know.
well u can have the tank light and filter(ac) and its got black sand if u want for 50$obo lights are pcs coralife 2x65w bulbs about 3 months old
Me and the wife were at PP on saturday... picked up some roti feast , I was looking for the African blue hornets and could not find them.. are they all out? I just did a quick scan cause me and the wife and a day of fun planed out...
Me and the wife were at PP on saturday... picked up some roti feast , I was looking for the African blue hornets and could not find them.. are they all out? I just did a quick scan cause me and the wife and a day of fun planed out...

They all died, very crappy zoas IMO. All 60 polyps I had died, all my boys died, the mother at PP died. What a scam.
Check the main display when you first walk in, there is a hunk of them still in there. The ones I have in my tank have never opened up, had them for ~2 months, still nubs.