Anyway to customize a CurrentUSA OuterOrbit order?


Active member
I was wondering if there was anyway to customize a CurrentUSA OuterOrbit?

I'd like the Current USA 48" 2x150watt MH + 4x54watt T5 fixture, but I want to replace all the lamps (the MH and the T5's).

Is there anyway to buy this without the lamps? Can I buy them with substitutions?


Unfortunately we can not customize those fixtures. We can work out a deal for you though. If you want to purchase the fixture we can then give you the T5's and metal halides at our cost that you want to run in their in place of the ones it comes with.

Thanks Jeremy, that would be helpful. I just hate to have to turn around and sell the brand new lamps they came with if I could've avoided having them shipped in the first place.

I will give you a call or email when I'm ready to order.

Thanks again!