Apex Classic cannot control port 7


New member
I have multiple heaters on my system for redundancy using port 3 and port 7. I noticed one the of the heaters died a while back since it was never turning on (port 7).I purchased a new heater and had the port turned off to install the new heater. When i plugged in the heater i noticed that it turned on even though i had the port off. My first thought was a bad heater but how does a heater turn on if the power to the port was supposed to be off. I unplugged the heater and plugged in a small light for testing. No matter what i did the power to the port would never turn off. I noticed that i had a firmware upgrade available for the apex so i upgraded just to see if that would help. Didn't seem to help after the performing the upgrade. Any suggestions before contacting support?

AquaController Version 4.53_AB17
Dashboard Version 4.53_AB17
I did move the new heater to a different port and it is working correctly. I also changed the port 7 control type from heater to advanced and still not able to control it.
Post the advanced code for outlet 7.

When you toggle the outlet from Auto to Off, does the heater turn off? If so, when you toggle it from Off to On, does the heater turn On?
Post the advanced code for outlet 7.

When you toggle the outlet from Auto to Off, does the heater turn off? If so, when you toggle it from Off to On, does the heater turn On?

When i changed it to advanced to test i put the code in it below like i was using it as a light. When i switch it from on to off it does nothing. Stays on all the time.

Fallback OFF
If Time 01:00 to 08:00 Then ON
So the the light isn't turning off. What kind of light is on the outlet?

cheap light from home depot. I had it on another outlet and it worked fine. Just used it to test after i noticed that outlet 7 was not working with the heater.
Try going in to the modules page and update the firmware on the energy bar where the outlet is not responding. This has fixed this problem for me before.