Apex, worth it?


Active member
I currently have the aquacontroller 3 and I have been debating on upgrading to the Apex. Do you guys think its worth it? Any real advantages?
Yes, probably the best piece of equipment ive purchased for the tank. Having one now i cant imaging having a full set up without one.
I am running an old Aquacontroller on my 65 and full apex on my 180. its depends what you want to do. My apex dims the lights on my 180, controls my ATO and I can control remotely. On my 65 I use the aquacontroller as a timer to turns light on and off and the monitor PH and Temp. If you are going to utilize all the options on the APEX like dimming and ato then yes its well worth it. If not then stick with what you have
I use an Tunze ATO. My AI Sols have a built in controller. I can remotely access my AC3 to monitor temp, PH and Orp levels. The other things I use it for is for fans, heater, moon lights, float switches, water on floor senors and refugium light. What new cool feature would the Apex provide?
Ben- sounds like you doing just fine.

but if in future you have an extra $400 sittin around and have nothing to spend it on, lol. The the AC3 DC8 and other adjuncts can be used with apex.
You are only looking at minimal gains. If you are happy. Stick to what you have. Then upgrade if or when it breaks.
I just got my Apex still not install but from all the reviews I read and endless video I watch on YouTube I think is worth it.
I finally purchased an Apex in December and cannot believe how good it is. The ability to review and control from my phone as well as the expandability is very impressive.
I think I will stick with my AC3 for now. I dont see any real gains to upgrading besides the nice web interface. Maybe ill win an Apex at a raffle in the future. lol
Sorry, i misread your initial post. :) If you already have a controller then its up to you if you NEED to upgrade. Based on your comments i doubt you would. I mean i wouldnt run a tank anymore without a controller in general. Be it APEX or not.

PS, coincidentally, my APEX decided to take a dump on me this morning. It was giving me some false PH readings of like 16 and i rebooted it and not it wont turn on. LOL. Didnt have time to futz with it this morning so i hope its nothing major. Im going to try to upgrade to the latest firmware.
Sorry, i misread your initial post. :) If you already have a controller then its up to you if you NEED to upgrade. Based on your comments i doubt you would. I mean i wouldnt run a tank anymore without a controller in general. Be it APEX or not.

PS, coincidentally, my APEX decided to take a dump on me this morning. It was giving me some false PH readings of like 16 and i rebooted it and not it wont turn on. LOL. Didnt have time to futz with it this morning so i hope its nothing major. Im going to try to upgrade to the latest firmware.

Same thing happened to me last week. I was able to get it working after I unplugged the aquabus and Ethernet cables to the base unit.
My Apex Lite went out on me before. If you have a lot of power issues in your neighborhood, I would suggest putting it on a UPS.