Apex Fusion not connecting to internet

Yes it does. If your apex and computer and phone are on the same network you could see the gateway address in them.
On an Iphone open wifi in settings. Hit the blue I in a circle on the left.
Scroll down to IPV4 address. First is your phones address. The Subnet Mask tells you how many addresses are on your network.
ROUTER is the gateway address.
Tell me what operating system you have and I can tell you where to find it.
Yes it does. If your apex and computer and phone are on the same network you could see the gateway address in them.
On an Iphone open wifi in settings. Hit the blue I in a circle on the left.
Scroll down to IPV4 address. First is your phones address. The Subnet Mask tells you how many addresses are on your network.
ROUTER is the gateway address.
Tell me what operating system you have and I can tell you where to find it.
Thanks. If I’m understanding correctly:

In Apex Classic, the Gateway is listed as XXX.XXX.X.214

I’m on an iPhone. I went to setting, WiFi, and scrolled to IPV4. Subnet mask says, not sure how to interpret that? Router is listed as XXX.XXX.X.254

Is the difference in the gateway IP in apex and the router IP the issue?

ETA - I put the xxx’s in because I wasn’t sure if it was safe to post the full IP addresses on a public forum.
They must match.
A subnet mask simply limits how many IP addresses can exist on a particular network. They don't all have to be in use.
That subnet mask simply means you can have 254 valid addresses on yours.
They must match.
A subnet mask simply limits how many IP addresses can exist on a particular network. They don't all have to be in use.
That subnet mask simply means you can have 254 valid addresses on yours.
Thanks again, Ned.

So, I should change the Gateway in Apex Classic to match the .254 Router IP address and reboot?

So, that begs the question, how the hell was it working for a couple years and suddenly changed/stopped working?
A gateway acts like a post office. It holds all the addresses on it's street. The outside world only has the zip code that routes letters to the post office. That is called it's public IP address.
DHCP allows this to happen automatically. If a device asks for an address inside your house the gateway gives it one and remembers it for a while.

Thanks again, Ned.

So, I should change the Gateway in Apex Classic to match the .254 Router IP address and reboot?

So, that begs the question, how the hell was it working for a couple years and suddenly changed/stopped working?
Yes. If your phone is on the same network as the apex they must have the same gateway. If your phone is on the net that is the gateway apex must use.
Usually when you set up hardware now you give it a network name and key and all the rest happens automatically.

I would only reboot the apex after correcting the info. The gateway should be asked for an IP address and issue one. Or be told of one you picked manually. I see no need to restart the gateway if you are only changing info in apex manually.
The network info for your phone is the same for all members on your network. The only difference is the last 3 digits of the ip address that are different and unique for each member.
I went back to the beguinning

Had it plugged into a WiFi booster and at 7:20 this AM it lost connection.

I’ve unplugged and replugged the Apex + EB8’s multiple time, rebooted the router and finally plugged the Apex in direct with a LAN cable (also, rebooted router again) and nothing.

This booster thing. One of those things you plug into an outlet?
This booster thing. One of those things you plug into an outlet?
Yep, a WiFi extender plugged into an outlet. Fusion was working fine up until it couldn’t connect.
Plugged Apex in direct with a lan cable means what?
Directly into the router?
yes, I unplugged the Apex from the WiFi extender and ran a network cable from the router directly to the Apex.

I haven’t changed the gateway for the apex yet as to be honest, I’m afraid I’m going to screw it up worse.

What I don’t understand is I can logon to thx via the Classic Dashboard by browser (both on phone and computer) but cannot connect via the Fusio app on my phone🤔
To add, I’ve had it connected to WiFi via the booster since October 2022. What would suddenly cause the gateway to change?
I use those and mine occasionally go crazy and nothing connected to them works

The fusion app requires incoming connections from the internet which means the gateway router has to be working. Local connections from the same network do not.
Apex Fusion is a cloud-based service that puts the monitoring and control of your aquarium into the palm of your hand from anywhere in the world.

You still have DHCP enabled in the Apex? If you do.
Unplug the wifi extender. Plug the Apex into the router with the cable. Start it up.
I suspect it will work.
Put it back the way you had it and it will work again probably.
why is complicated
I think you needed to restart the wifi extender and not the router.

Just a guess.

I suspect your Apex is getting the invalid gateway address from the wifi extender.
Why unplug the extender? If you move the cable from the extender to the router and it doesn't work I suspect the router is refusing a new connection from the Apex because the wifi extender is reporting it is still connected to it.

just a guess
Reenabling DHCP made Apex ask for network credentials again. This time it got valid ones.
This had nothing to do with apex or fusion. Either your router or extender was giving out garbage for a while. I expect the extender because if it was the router gateway nothing in the house would work.

All of the network information you see in the apex or your phone was sent to it when the device joined the network by whatever administrates that part of the network.
Okay, this is weird, I re-enabled DHCP and Fusion is now working again🤔
Take the win.
Reenabling DHCP made Apex ask for network credentials again. This time it got valid ones.
This had nothing to do with apex or fusion. Either your router or extender was giving out garbage for a while. I expect the extender because if it was the router gateway nothing in the house would work.

All of the network information you see in the apex or your phone was sent to it when the device joined the network by whatever administrates that part of the network.
Thanks for working this out with George.(y)
Yes, thank you both for helping in a patient way. If you were local I’d buy you a beer or twelve😀
One is my limit these days. You're welcome. It fixed itself though.
Next time restart the wifi extender and it will work for a while again I think.
Still at work right now and it’s doing it again.


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And I get back home, hang in the pool with Mrs griss, have a few beers and…Ta Da (without me doing anything) it’s connected.