Aptasia on a frag


New member
I got a small frag of zoos that I glued to a rock. I had a bare spot right in the center of the zoos and over the weekend it enlarged. Upon exam there are 3 very small aptasia my treatment before when I had them in a young tank was to nuke them with a kalkeasswr paste. Now that would be bad.

Should I remove the frag?
Get a peppermint?
Something else?
I use red sea aptasia-x for small breakouts and during qt for a new frag; amazon even has it on prime. It works really well if you can get to the oral disk. In a lot of cases I have been able to put the frag in isolation in a bowl for a few minutes to make it easier to reach. Depends on how easily it retracts though. I've used it in the display tank a couple times, and never had problems, but I prefer to medicate elsewhere if possible.
If you can remove the frag easily I would scrape off as much as possible. Then put it under running tap water and see if you can scrape off even more. You can leave it in a bowl of the water for 5 or so minutes. I would think this would kill it. If you feel uncomfortable with the tap water you can use ro water. I have never tried to kill aptasia this way, but I would think it would work. I could be wrong though. I have left zoas in tap water for up to 30 minutes experimenting with trying to kill zoa spiders. It didn't work on the adult spiders.
You could try and scrape, and then superglue over the area. Should be minimal damage if any to the zoas.
If they are dead center of the zoa's, then rest assured, the zoa's matting is not touching the aiptasia.

I would cut the zoas off the plug, and toss it. Dip them, and then you can lightly brush them with a soft bristle tooth brush under running water. Rinse in a cup of SW, and glue/attach them to another plug. Put them in a low flow spot so that they can get a foothold again.

Putting a peppermint shrimp or two in the tank won't hurt either and will help with control if they did spread at all.
Clip that part of the frag plug or rock off with some frag shears. In fact, if you can, take the coral off the frag plug and reattach to a new (aiptasia free) frag plug.
if you want to try the aptaisa-x without having to buy a whole bottle, let me know. I have a almost full bottle with the syringe that you can try out... I'm off of 95 and commercial