Aqua Illumination LED stock status


New member
Can you folks let us know when these are in stock, maybe keep a running thread of the status?

Also, how many fixtures you recommend for a 48x28x20 tank?

Our next shipment is due to arrive to us on 4/22. We have right at about 40% of the incoming shipment available if you're interested in preordering.

For a 48" tank I would suggest starting with 3 modules. If you have a center brace you might drop it down to 2 modules if you're hanging the system and can get it up high enough to spread. The system is modular, so you can always add more modules if needed.
C'mon LEDs. The wait is going to be so worth it. These LEDs are awesome.
Is the entire shipment already spoken for?
Yes, they have arrived and we are in the process of shipping orders now. We only received 48 out of 72, so if you placed a preorder with us please contact us directly to find out if you made that cut or not.
Yes, they have arrived and we are in the process of shipping orders now. We only received 48 out of 72, so if you placed a preorder with us please contact us directly to find out if you made that cut or not.

damn AI! Sadly I did not make the cut =( When are you expecting your next shipment?
I am waiting on the arrival of a Solana XL 60 and AI Sol Blue LEDs from Premium Aquatics... Seems I didn't make the cut for the last shipment of AI modules... :(

But I did receive my hanging arm light kit... It's a start... :)
Thanks for rubbing it in, phuzzykins... So it is worth the wait though?

I'd been waiting for about 6 weeks; I put in my order just after the cut off for the previous shipment, so I know your pain.

The AI modules are replacing a trio of 250w Phoenix 14k bulbs with IceCap ballasts and LumenBright reflectors.

The coverage is much more even (no more dark corners), and the colors in general are better. Running all 3 channels of the Sol Blue at the same level results in an overall color temperature roughly the same as the 14k bulbs, but with more of an actinic pop.

Blues, purples, and fluorescent pigments are gorgeous. Some of the reds look a little more orange than red, and I may end up adding a little bit of red or pink supplementation to fix that.

Control with the Neptune VDM module is excellent
Their arrival is greatly anticipated...

Thanks for your feedback! Looking forward to seeing photos of your new setup, if you post some.
I'd been waiting for about 6 weeks; I put in my order just after the cut off for the previous shipment, so I know your pain.

The AI modules are replacing a trio of 250w Phoenix 14k bulbs with IceCap ballasts and LumenBright reflectors.

The coverage is much more even (no more dark corners), and the colors in general are better. Running all 3 channels of the Sol Blue at the same level results in an overall color temperature roughly the same as the 14k bulbs, but with more of an actinic pop.

Blues, purples, and fluorescent pigments are gorgeous. Some of the reds look a little more orange than red, and I may end up adding a little bit of red or pink supplementation to fix that.

Control with the Neptune VDM module is excellent

How many modules did you get? I also have 3 x 250w MH phoenix 14k that I will be replacing with AI's, I'm just not sure how many modules I need