Aqua Spacelight

Hi Nancy,

The Aquaspace Light is 72" in length by 10" in width. The lamps it comes with are 10k's, but they actually spec out just a tad higher. IMO you will still need some actinic supplement other than the PC's that come with it. It is almost worth it just to stick with the DE pendants and add in VHO actinics.


Just tagging along on this thread...

What is the height (thickness) of the 72" Aquaspacelight fixture and would you recommend that it be mounted inside an existing 72" canopy? If so, is there a minimum distance from the top of the tank? Also, is there any type of splash cover over the hood (acrylic or glass)? Also, are the bulbs the double ended variety or screw in (I am a newbie, so not yet up on all the proper lingo :rolleyes: )?

One last thing... if the fixture cannot be mounted inside a canopy, how do you shield light from spilling over and into folks eyes if it is suspended above the tank?

I appreciate your time!
Let me go back a step, the spacelight's are 12" wide, not 10" wide. And at the thickest point they are 3". You could mount the hood inside a canopy if you'd like. Just use the existing hangers and hang from the top of the canopy. I don't think it would be possible to mount it flush, nor would you want to for heat purposes. The hood does come with uv glass to cover the lamps. All the MH lamps in the AquaMedic hoods are double ended.

Thanks... One More Question, Please?

Thanks... One More Question, Please?


I assume from your replies to Nancy that there are additional sockets on the fixture for florescent bulbs (PCs or VHOs). Is that correct? If so, would I be safe to assume there's room for two 72" bulbs? Actually I'm not sure there are 72" florescent bulbs out there, but need to ask anyway!

Thanks again for your time! Your Aquamedic hoods look awesome!
In that 72" hood there are 2 X 24W PC's inbetween each 150w or 250w lamp. So you have a total of four in there. There is not room for anything else in this hood.