Aquaculture Tank Build

Actually, the saw is left over from last weekend. The tile on the wall behind the stove and sink was all finished last weekend. I left the saw out because a friend of mine came over Thursday night to have a big chalice cut. It needs to go back out in the garage.
On another note, the pods really took off. I looked at the front glass of the tank and there must be a 1000 pods. Mysis that I dumped in the tank are gone (fish food). The mysis that I dumped in the fuge appear to be going strong.
Got my first coraline starting. It's on two Korallias and the algae scraper. Also, a month back I threw in a tricolor pocillipora as a "guinea pig". The branches turned white, but it didn't die. Color is starting to come back. So, maybe in another 3 weeks or so, I'll start adding stony's.
I just got back from Miami. Stopped by Morgan's and picked up some snails and maxi minis. I'll try to get some pics up later tonight or tomorrow.
OK, finally got some snails, chitons, limpets and mystery snails in the tank.

Stomatellas, Euplicas and Nerites from Reef Gardener




Size Comparison, from front to back Euplica, Nerites and Stomtella (all are full grown)

Chitons (bottom view and top view) from my frag tank. Lots and lots in the tank.


Mystery Snail from the main tank. "Magically" appear every time I put algae in the clip. I pulled three of these and put them in the aquaculture tank.

No pics of the limpets. They are growing in the sump. Everytime I clean the skimmer I pull a few from the neck and throw them back in the tank. Full grown, they are about 1/4 inch.
While at Reef Gardeners, I picked up some maxi mini's that she has been aquaculturing. All of these are 4th or 5th generation. She also has a couple blue and a bright red one that she aquacultures. No babies on those when I was there. But, I've got dibs on the next ones available!

These have only been in the tank for about 12 hours. I'll probably post a couple more pics after they settle down and really show off their colors.



And lastly, a couple shots of my "guinea pig" coral. This is a tricolor pocillipora. I put it in the tank on November 15 (you can see it in post #24). After 3-4 days the top half bleached, but did not die off. Color is now coming back. Once this coral fully colors up and I have good coraline algae growth, I will start adding stoneys (other than the caulastrea and torch already in the tank).


Well, added the last of the fish (for now). These are all aquacultured from ORA via Sustainable Reefs. These came in last week and are still a little shy. There is also a yellow watchman that just refuses to have his pic taken.

Yellow Assessor - gets along fine with the Blue Assessor. They each have their own cave.

Old neon goby on top, new one on bottom

Yellow line goby (there were two, but one darted out of the bag and straight into one of the maxi mini anemones. Got him out and saw him swimming later that night...but, haven't seen him since)

Spotted Mandarin - this one is a fat pig!

Maricultured Trochus Snails (also from ORA via Sustainable Reefs)
Fish list to date:

2 PJ Cardinals
1 Bangai Cardinal
1 Blue Assessor
1 Yellow Assessor
2 Neon Gobies
1 Yellow Line Goby
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Mandarin Goby
2 Ocellaris Clownfish

Fish Want list:
1 more Yellowline goby
1 Blue Watchman
2 Green Banded gobies
1 Harem Centropyge resplendens (hey, this is a wish list!)
Yeah, I can't edit the title. It should be "Aquacultured Only Tank"

Also, at 120 gallons, it's not too bad. All of the fish are small....even as full grown adults.