Aquaculture Tank Build

Well, most of the corals are now in. I still have a couple that I am debating. I may switch one or two out. But, for now, I'm done. A couple pics.


Left side. Chalices and zoas on the Alternative Reef "rocks" on the sand. Zoas on the Aqua Mag "rocks" on the glass and SPS on the Cerameco "rock"

Middle. Ricordeas on the Ocean Wonders "rocks". Various caulastrea, birdsnest and a chalice sponge on the Alternative Reef Rocks in the middle.

Right. A mix of Montiporas and Acros on the Cerameco "rock". Note my new plate coral from Eco Reefs in the sand. It's blue and green.

A mytery coral. Any ideas? This is a second generation frag. The original colony was a wild stag at a LFS. The entire coral was sky blue. I got a frag and it turned this color under my solar tubes w/MH supplements. This is a frag off of that piece that grew out in my frag tank. Kept the same colors.
Looks like a tort of some sort to me as well. Great colors on it. It will be a very nice colony when it grows out further. Would you be willing to frag it? I too am building a 100% aquaculture tank and would love to add that coral to my collection.
Definitely not a cali tort. I've got one of those in the main tank and they are totally different. Branches on it are way thicker than a tort. The parent colony was a stag about 10 inches tall, about 1 inch in diameter with 2 or 3 branches. Two 1-1.5 inch pieces broke off of the base during shipping. The store owner sold me one of those. I think he lost the parent piece later. So there is my frag and the other frag that he sold. I have since cut two frags off of my "parent" (both were accidental). This is one of them and the other went to a local club member.

This is one of 5 corals in this tank that I also have in the main tank under natural sunlight. I'm curious to see if the colors stay the same. So far, only the birdsnest has changed.

And yes, at some point in the future I will frag it again.