Aquamaxx cones Q3


New member
My new tank is 90 gallon reef with a 29 gallon sump. 9 large seahorses and a few other fish, 2 cubes mysis 2x a day with large amounts of coral food usually reef roids. Would an Aquamaxx ConeS Q-3 skimmer be suitable or oversized? It is rater for heavy bio load up to 240 gallons
I think it's oversized. I have a 125 gal and a Cone S- Q2 works perfect and I know it could handle a larger tank.
I do love the skimmer tho. Quiet and efficient.
IF the skimmer works fine & then stops skimming for a while only to resume good operation later down the line then it is oversized.
Large neck skimmers need organics in the water to work. If they get pulled out & then have to build up again they are too large you need something smaller.