Aquarium App Question


Active member
Has anyone found a good "Aquarium Log" app?

One that for example let's easily record what days you did water changes, test results, what day you added fish or coral, etc.

If it's not out there, I'd be interested in possibly developing it with a friend of mine and with your guys' feedback.

Let me know what you guys think and if there would be interest in something like this. Or better yet, if it's already out there.
Aquatic Log is what I found that was free. It's pretty good, records parameters, water changes, diaries, & dosage. Pretty simple and straight forward.
Cool. Thx. Saw that one but had no reviews so wasn't sure. Reef Pro looks good but at 4.99 I figured if ask before purchasing.
There was another one in the App Store and it lets you log fish and stuff. Lots of features, maybe wetdiver aka Rick will chime in. It was a paid app which I didn't care too much about paying for. LOL, we'll pay $25 for a tiny frag but won't pay for things that will make life easier like a $9.99 app.
There was another one in the App Store and it lets you log fish and stuff. Lots of features, maybe wetdiver aka Rick will chime in. It was a paid app which I didn't care too much about paying for. LOL, we'll pay $25 for a tiny frag but won't pay for things that will make life easier like a $9.99 app.'s amazing how cheap we all are when it comes to apps. The fact that so may of them are free really creates a mentality that if it's even going to cost $.99 it better be the greatest thing in the world. Yet at a store, we see something for a a dollar and we're like, "ah, whatever, if it sucks it sucks. It's just a buck." That mentality doesn't exist with apps. It's funny.
AquaPlanner - IOS, Droid

AquaticLog is an online site that's free, but if you upgrade to Pro that is $19/yr, it has many features, including reminders. You can record everything from the start of the tank.
I use Aquaplanner. It's free and gives me all the options I need.
Thanks all....I went with AquaticLog for now. I'll use it for a while and see if it meets my needs. Looks like it will. But I am surprised overall that there is not a better designed app out there. Aquarimate looks pretty solid but I think overpriced for the technology behind it and what it can do.
Aquarimate looks really well built. Like the free back up feature. Anyone else using aquarimate?