Aquarium Fishes of Hawaii Petition

Some sarcasm, yeah, but I have been surprised by some of the people who are anti-conservation. I would just assume that anyone working with animals would be passionate about conservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems.

And Sea-Sheperd is founded by the cofounder of Greenpeace! And they do many good things. As does Greenpeace.

That's funny, because the founder of Greenpeace left the movement in disgust, citing

"The environmental movement was basically hijacked by political and social activists, who came in and very cleverly learned how to use green rhetoric, or green language, to cloak agendas that actually have more to do with anti-corporatism, anti-globalization, anti-business, and very little to do with science or ecology."

"Nobody's going to listen to you if you say the world's not going to come to an end, but if you say it is going to come to an end you get headlines... and people send gobs of money to these groups, for campaigns that are totally misguided."

"The environmentalist campaign against forestry is a classic case of absolutely and totally misleading the general public. The fact is in north America, there's still just as much forest as there was 100 years ago." Don't worry, they'd never do that with, say, fish.

"Greenpeace and the WWF actually try to convince us every year that 50,000 species are going extinct every year in this world when there isn't one shred of evidence for that. The best science tells us that less than 1% of all of the species in this world will go extinct in the next 100 years." I'm sure they'd never apply that misinformation to fish.

"Most of the environmental movement is composed of white, upper middle class people, who are incorrectly telling the rest of the world what to do. I think the environmental movement is basically elitist."

If he woke up so can you, or you can keep believing the people that make headlines just to get gobs of money sent to them for misguided agendas that you'd never pay for if they were honest about their motives and goals. If someone stands to make billions for you believing what they say, it's probably better to do your own fact checking. Environmental groups are, by and large, very evil corporations that don't give a flying fudge about anyone's rights that get in the way of their agendas.
There is a lot Sea Sheperd has to answer for, but I basically back them, in spirit at least (I don't generally donate to such organizations). However I am against Snorkel Bob with heart, mind, and strength. He lies about our hobby, profits on false conservation acts, feeds untruths to te public, and is not even greatly active in Sea Sheperd. He profits on industries that destroy what he is masquerading to save. If anyone saw those other two threads about Snorkel Bob's comments on our hobby, I had some very strong words. I am coming to LOATHE the sound of Snorkel Bob's name with every fibre of my being. I hope he burns in hell, and graduates to the pits of tarturus with the many rotting pieces of Kronos, after several torturous melinnia with Satan (Who, I am sure, will come to hate him as much as I do).
Personally, if you want to protect Hawaii reefs, I think you need to limit the number of clueless tourist snorkelers out there. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen a tourist standing on a bed of pristine coral heads, I'd be a bazillionaire.

I'm not here to defend Snorkel Bob, but having family on the Big Island and having visited and snorkeled on almost all of the Hawaiian Islands, I think most of the snorkel rental facilities do a pretty good job educating tourist on the do's & don't s when viewing corals and fish (a heck of a lot better then your LFS employees do with their customers) Many are even carrying "reef friendly" sun blocks and encouraging people to use sun protective clothing, so not having to lather on sun block only to have it wash off into the ocean.
Amen to That!

Amen to That!

I'm not here to defend Snorkel Bob, but having family on the Big Island and having visited and snorkeled on almost all of the Hawaiian Islands, I think most of the snorkel rental facilities do a pretty good job educating tourist on the do's & don't s when viewing corals and fish (a heck of a lot better then your LFS employees do with their customers) Many are even carrying "reef friendly" sun blocks and encouraging people to use sun protective clothing, so not having to lather on sun block only to have it wash off into the ocean.

Amen to that! I'm a diver myself and TRUST ME I don't do this for a living for the money. Dive Instructers don't become rich off of what they do... but they surely become rich in LIFE EXPERIENCES. I have traveled all around the world and I can tell you that the people who come to dive... are there because they CARE about the ocean. They want to learn more about it because it fascinates them. Why would anyone ever think that people go diving with the intention to damage the reefs? As a dive instructor I am personally devoted to educating individuals NOT TO TOUCH what they see. They are out there become they love this stuff and respect it. Stop bashing snorkel bob for being a diver and doing what he loves.
What if the aquarium trade was more sustainable? We could successfully keep alive the 10,000 yellow tangs that we take from hawaii instead of taking 100,000 yallow tangs in order to get the 10,000?

A lot of people fail to realize that with a better industry... wholesalers and pet stores could take better care of what they took from the ocean... then it wouldnt all have to die on us. A lot of fish die before they reach our LFS. This makes me sad. It could all be avoided if we didnt use harsh chemicals and quarantining that involves mixing all the fish together. I think the industry needs a change in the direction of independent filtration so that so many fish weren't lost in the process.

I don't want collection from hawaii to stop altogether. But it wouldn't need to if we could just compromise and do it better.