Wow! I just read through this thread like a book and I am truly impressed with your dedication, generosity and patience..
You are one COOL DUDE for doing all of this! Everybody has a life to live and everybody's life is busy. The fact that you had the initiative to create such a smooth product and then stick to it for the last couple of years is a real testament to your great character.
I Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you!!
This is going to come in handy when I start my tank.
I got it working, i just had to enable macros.
I don't know how the program works yet, but i'll figure it out!
Amazing job!
Hi Sean, good day!
Many thanks for this Log sheet. A "must have" for every aquarist.
Just one simple question...
Here, @ South America, we don't handle temperature in Fº (Farenheit) but in Cº (Centigrades).
After a quick look at the spreedsheet, I did notice that swapping the "Fº" for "Cº" inside the "results" inner sheet, as well as declaring my min & max parameters, would do the job, however, I don't know if should be necessary to edit/adjust something else... (also saw that some cells are protected).
Thanks in advance your comments!
This is very good, using it for like 6 months now
Thanks for all the work. A great spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet works great, thanks!
Nice job. Had to enable macros, but got it working.
Very nice spreadsheet. Much better than my current one. Has anyone tried loading it on their phone?