Aquascaping 2.0 video and pics


New member
Welcome to aquascaping 2.0 from start to finish and I am going to show you how for those of you that would like to see.....enjoy!!!....

From this .....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo begining_zps6c93fbc8.jpg"/></a>

to this in less than 24 hrs.......

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo final_zpsede37376.jpg"/></a>

This was done with a few goals in mind....

1st I wanted minimal rock actually on the sand....30% or less (keep in mind I have around 1500 lbs total)
2nd I wanted as much swim threw flow as possible
3rd It needed to look as natural as possible
4th I wanted it moved back further from the front glass than the previous
5th I wanted as much rock as possible centered off the back wall and ends

The first thing was to take everything out and store it in my sump and in a 55 gal barrel overnight to allow things to clear up before rinsing it and returning it ......then the fun began......

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

finally the finished product .......mission accomplished

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

and believe it or not I still have over 100 lbs in my sump......
Welcome to aquascaping 2.0 from start to finish and I am going to show you how for those of you that would like to see.....enjoy!!!....

From this .....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo begining_zps6c93fbc8.jpg"/></a>

to this in less than 24 hrs.......

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo final_zpsede37376.jpg"/></a>

This was done with a few goals in mind....

1st I wanted minimal rock actually on the sand....30% or less (keep in mind I have around 1500 lbs total)
2nd I wanted as much swim threw flow as possible
3rd It needed to look as natural as possible
4th I wanted it moved back further from the front glass than the previous
5th I wanted as much rock as possible centered off the back wall and ends

The first thing was to take everything out and store it in my sump and in a 55 gal barrel overnight to allow things to clear up before rinsing it and returning it ......then the fun began......

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

finally the finished product .......mission accomplished

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

and believe it or not I still have over 100 lbs in my sump......

Am I the only one who can't see your videos? Maybe this copy paste will work
Looks good, my only complaint. Put some music to your video. Not sure if it was just me, but I didn't hear anything.
Looks good, my only complaint. Put some music to your video. Not sure if it was just me, but I didn't hear anything.

Lol will remember that next time Matt how about some village people next time just 4 u

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Looks amazing! Thanks for sharing. Question... Was this a new tank setup? I ask because I've been thinking about re-scaping my 72g, since I've never been 100% happy with the work I did when I first set it up last September. Would there be any stress or risk to the fish, anemones, and corals? I wouldn't like to remove them but, rather, move them around. Thanks for the input.
Looks amazing! Thanks for sharing. Question... Was this a new tank setup? I ask because I've been thinking about re-scaping my 72g, since I've never been 100% happy with the work I did when I first set it up last September. Would there be any stress or risk to the fish, anemones, and corals? I wouldn't like to remove them but, rather, move them around. Thanks for the input.

No this was not a new tank setup ....this was my 540 that has been up for a little over a year now. There is always stress when you change up everything like this. I did not have any corals in the system yet when I did this change. Everything will cloud up from moving all the rocks around and disturbing everything. I did not remove any of the fish as it usually wont bother any of the fish too much. Just be careful if you remove any rocks for any length of time you check for small fish that might be inside them.
a few of the softies reintroduced

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
No this was not a new tank setup ....this was my 540 that has been up for a little over a year now. There is always stress when you change up everything like this. I did not have any corals in the system yet when I did this change. Everything will cloud up from moving all the rocks around and disturbing everything. I did not remove any of the fish as it usually wont bother any of the fish too much. Just be careful if you remove any rocks for any length of time you check for small fish that might be inside them.

Thank you!
Awesome Matt!! I cant believe you did all that with just your barely teenage daughter!!! 1500 lbs of rock!!! Holy cow!! :sad2:

Good job on the scape.

Glad to see some corals in the Baby Too!!!!!!! :rollface: