Aquascaping this morning

Looks great Joe! I've always struggled with the structuring of having my tank be two islands towards the sides with swimming area in the middle. I think that Gasman's setup is like that, which is awesome. You've used that extra room in the tank to make a FANTASTIC display with the separate reefheads with swimming displays in between. It's beautiful.
ya my tank at 10 ft long I didn't need the open area. This way I have more space for the corals and have a happy median. With all the cracks and the room in between the rocks and with the with the 10'x3'x10'x3' raceway around the tank I have already 26' of swimming room. The fish seem to like all the open spaces I have.Thanks for the complements.
thanks for all the kind words. Now if I can just get the cabinets done, I'd be real happy