Finished adding sand and my reef ceramics to my tank, and I put all the acros/corals back into the tank and I'm reading to start aquascaping.
Let me know what you guys think about my idea. I went through and id' my stonies as either, tabeling, stag, or bushy. Right now I've got 5 bushy stonies, 8 tableing and 9 stags.
Here is a current picture with the ceramics in. I bought an outcropping and a back wall. I kept three pieces of live rock to make a table on the right hand side. (plus, my wife wouldn't let me get rid of the bta).
As you can see, the left side is where the ceramic outcropping is. It's a little close to the front class, so I'm going to move it back a bit.
In this picture, you can see down the right long side. I would like to move the rock mound over a little bit towards the right and leave a little more opening between the ceramics and the rock mound.
There are a few more frags that I would like to purchase, but for the most part, I'd like to see my frags grow up. I'm thinking that I could put the tableing acros down a little lower in the tank, mostly towards the ends. Put the stags a little higher up and then finish the top part of the outcropping with the bushy frags.