Are all nudis bad?


New member
I've been lurking on Reef Central for a about a year and a half now, trying to learn as much as I can about this hobby that I absolutely love. I finally feel like I can ask an intelligent question...

I never had done the FW dip recommended before, but I started to recently since I"ve been spending a bit more on coral now. I noticed a single nudi which I thought was really cool (small about 5mm), but camoflaged well in my fire and ice zoos (almost a neon pink , but blended with the red skirt of the zoos. I removed the colony killed the nudi, and I didn't notice any egg sacs (not sure what to look for, but I know they are sticky)

I siphoned a plain looking nudi the other day, and I recently noticed 2 more nudi's on my fire/ice colony only. The polyps remain open, but obviously their numbers are increasing.

So, since nothing bad is happening yet, is it possible that this zoo colony is some sort of symbiotic host for the nudi's rather than a meal for a parasite? I'd post a pic, but I'm afraid its too difficult to even notice the nudi's at all, camer ain't that good. Thanks for looking!
I would say bad. Go to and you will see pictures of the zoanthid eating nudi. It sure sounds like them. Usually if you find a nudi blended in with a coral, its eating it. Kinda like the saying you are what you eat:)

I have never had these critters, but from what I understand they can be a real pain. You will probably want to check out some of the other zoanthid nudi post and you can see how people got rid of them. It basically cosists of doing a cycle of the dips and lots of observation. Good Luck, hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply, consider those nudi's dead. I checked (hadn't visit in a while) and there was a pic of the egg sac, so now I know what to look for.

Fortunately, most of my colonies are on small rocks, so dipping shouldn't be a problem. Thanks again!