are all razor blades reef safe?


New member
i have a lot of coraline on my glass and i was wondering is there a specific type of razor blade i need to get? i tried a new blade from a box cutter and when i took the blade out it had some residue like as if it had oil on it or something. i didnt get to clean off all the glass cuz i thought the oil type residue on the blade might be harmful. thanks
most of them are good for one use, until they start to rust, if you dry them really good they will probably last.
I've never had any trouble: I discard after a couple of uses and don't linger about the job.
i found a $3 scraper at Petsmart. works great has metal blade. but if you have an old credit card, those work great as well.
I think the key is to throw them out often. If they get dull or burrs on them, they are more likely to scratch. Definitely pitch them if they are starting to rust.
I use razors all the time. Most are made from cheap stainless I believe and resist rusting. Which mean they will eventually rust not rust proof. Rinse them in fresh water.
I use the regular individual razor blades and throw them out after they begin to rust. What I would avoid using is the utility knife razor blade refills (like Stanley etc.) The utility knife refill blades are usually shipped with a coating of oil over them.
Razor blades will eventually scratch the inside of your tank, they have a square end. Go with a Kent pro scraper with the rounded end stainless blade.

Using a mag float and using a small cut to fit piece of micron flilter pad on the inside mag every day or so will keep you from having to scrape with metal and will go a long way to keeping the tank scratch free.
Walmart sells an all plastic window paint scraper that uses disposable 6 inch razorblades. I used to use the small ones but it took forever. Now with the window scraper I can clean the whole tank in no time. They sell the replacement blades as well and I think 10 of them are $1. They are in the paint section. Be sure you get the all plastic one b/c the ones with metal in them will rust very quickly. I use the blades 1 time then they go in the trash. Is $.10 worth putting a scratch on your glass that you paid HUNDREDS of $$$$$$ for???
so i guess i'll just rinse each new blade before i use them. but i guess ill go with a kent scraper some time soon. thanks for all the replys, greatly appreciated.
I second getting the longer one. I made the mistake of purchasing the shortest one, and I get wet whenever I use it. Now I have to order the expansion handle from Drs Foster and Smith :rolleye1:
in any case it is safe to use a razor blade...the idea is you use it shortly then remove leaching.....any metal can be bad if left in tank...when just used for a simple scraping its ok ...just dont leave it in the tank! use it and thats it no worries........look at the scrapers sold by stores..they are metal..the idea is its safe as long as you dont leave the scrapper in the tank ...use it and remove it....good luck