Are giant clams harmed by bubble tip anemones?


New member
Are giant clam mantles harmed by contact with bubble-tip anemone tentacles?

A friend has offered me a fairly large derasa clam, but the only place I have to put it is in a roughly 60 gallon tank that already has a rose bubble tip anemone that is about 1 foot across (it is spectacular!). I can place the clam near the front of the tank away from the anemone (which is in the middle of the tank, roughly), but there is potential for some contact between clam mantles and anemone tentacles.

Also... this tank has *loads* of fireworms in the sand bed, rocks, etc. These are the large pinkish ones that are scavengers. As far as I know, they have never tried to eat anything that was not already dead or dying, but I think they will tend to congregate under a clam if I put it in the tank (simply because it will be a dark place to hide). Do you think these worms are likely to be a problem for the clam?


I've had clams whose mantles were in routine contact with a variety of corals (and even some zooanthids) with no apparent harm to the clam (and actually, don't crocea clams often live burrowed into live corals?), but my gut feeling was that contact with an anemone might be worse. Your observations verify my suspicions.

daniel knops clam book says they are not harmed by coral stinging and my bubble tip was at one time touching my clam with no harm to either

That comment in Knop's book in fact is what made me wonder (rather than just assuming the worst) in the first place.

Nonetheless, it looks like caution is in order here.

I had a Tridacna crocea that was 'done in' by 'hairy green mushrooms'. The shrooms stung the mantle of the clam and prevented it from extending. BTA's nematocyst's pack a far more potent punch. I don't have Knop's book to rely on. Just personal observation.
FWIW- another local reefkeeper that I know of personally lost a clam to a BTA.
guess I will keep hoping for my same luck cause its not like you can keep an anemone down they go were they want .
i try and keep a close watch on my bta because if he starts stinging my clams its back to the store for him!:eek2:
I just posted this on Susan's thread (Flame*Angel) regarding her problem with her Crocea. I just paste it here. My Gigas was stung by my H. magnifica.
Just be glad that it does not seem to be a communicable disease.
My Gigas was sick for a long time. You can see the sick Gigas in the picture below. His tissue was full of bubbles. He got infected with something after being stung by one of my anemones. At the peak of the disease, his mantel was completely withdrawn into the shell and was covered with bubble. I though he was a goner. I provided him with good water and he eventually recovered after being sick for more than 1 year. He is totally back to being heathy, growing again. Good luck with your Crocea