I got a pair of juvenile clownfish about 1.5 years ago, almost 2. They are doing very well and are very healthy. The clowns have established dominance and the male has done the ritual dance, and the female is clearly MUCH bigger than the male. By now, they should be a pair because the female is not aggressive to the male anymore, but I don't think they are. A typical clown pair should be with each other most of the time, but they aren't. The female hosts the anemone that is in my tank, and the male usually swims around the tank away from the female. I have also noticed the past few weeks that the male occasionally does the 'ritual dance,' or twitching (this mostly occurs when I am feeding them). I really do want them to pair, and I thought they would after some time, since I got them from the same location and from the same batch, and my tank is only a 20 gallon nano. Is there still potential for them to pair? Or are they already paired?
*Another observation I have seen on several occasions is at night, the female will sleep inside the anemone, and the male will sleep on the outer edges of the anemone, or on top of the anemone when it closes up. The female usually doesn't mind when he does that. I don't know if this is significant or not.
*Another observation I have seen on several occasions is at night, the female will sleep inside the anemone, and the male will sleep on the outer edges of the anemone, or on top of the anemone when it closes up. The female usually doesn't mind when he does that. I don't know if this is significant or not.