Are you keeping ZOANTHIDS under Chinese LED fixtures?

Grandis, check out this 2:1 /40=BLUE 20=WHITE for $100 has 3 fans basic black box to go over this 24 gallon aquapod (freebie) removed the false back ind ditched the hood using a canister filter for now.
Zoa farm baby!

Grandis... I fell I love with Maxspect Razors. As I always do I spent months in forums like this one trying get the best value. I was about to buy their offering when I found out Maxspect is made in CHINA. I haven't been able to find any led fix fixtures that aren't made offshore. That being said I recently bought a bunch of frags from a local h obbiest who powers his two forty gal. tanks with "blackbox" full spectrum chinese lights. We werent discussing lights at first until he told me that he keeps running out of room for his frags because I his words he had a "growth explosion" with his Reef Breeder LED units. He was obviously very excited to pass along his find to a fellow h obbiest. Maxspect....great unit. Equivalent fully programmable "black box" ALSO Chinese unit for $120 less with excellent customer support such as I can attest to......LED. yes. Reef Breeder...absolutely!

Thanks very much for the post, Mike!

Yep, the truth is that most, if not all, the LED fixtures are Chinese.
Some of them could be put together in US, but the parts are from China anyways.
I've heard that some LED bulbs were being made in US, but I don't remember well the name of the company or where I saw that.

The 2 year US warranty included in the price is a good thing and something that we should strongly consider, of course. That fixture looks good!

I was looking at the NOVA A4, Photon Series, for $299.99.

Also the VALUE LED FIXTURES, for $179.99 is another option. It looks very similar to the one I've got, but has only 2 fans. The one I've got has 3 fans. They also have the 90° lenses.

I do believe they grow the zoas very nicely. Intensity with style.

This is an interesting link about Reefbreeders/(Evergrow OEM) Fixtures D120/IT20** series:

Grandis, check out this 2:1 /40=BLUE 20=WHITE for $100 has 3 fans basic black box to go over this 24 gallon aquapod (freebie) removed the false back ind ditched the hood using a canister filter for now.
Zoa farm baby!

Hey frags!

I've never seen that fixture before.
Good to know about that alternative.
I'm sure many will be interested...
Thanks for enriching the thread!!
