I intended to change one thing at a time. However, this did not happen as I wanted.
Tristan saw my previous post about slowing flow through the reactor. He said NOT to do that. Tristan told me to open the flow to wide open in the reactor.
While buying new salt for the QT tank,(quartet of lyre tailed anthias in a 55 gallon QT) I saw some freshwater planted tank supplements.
aquavitro activate, which is a concentrated source of phosphorus.
I bought it intending to use it and see what would happen.
The instructions on my bottle, (different than the instructions on the website) state to dose 7 mls per 250 gallons to raise PO4 by 0.15 mg/L or ppm.
I dosed 7 mls 11-01-2015. PO4 tested at 0.14 ppm via Hanna 96713 approximately two hours later.
On 11-02-2015 approximately 24 hours after adding 7mls of activate, PO4 tested out at 0.00 ppm. I added an additional 7 mls of activate.
No testing done on 11-03-2015 due to late night at work.
On 11-04-2015 at 1am, (had just gotten home from that late night at work), I dosed 7mls of activate a 3rd time.
On 11-04-2015 at 430 pm I contacted Tristan and asked him about his thoughts on dosing PO4 into the tank with the intent of keeping levels where desired. I figured if I'm already dosing NO3, dosing PO4 shouldnt be a big deal either, right. Besides, we dose Calcium and magnesium into our tanks, right?
I know, it would have been smarter to ask before doing, vs doing it after....I wasnt being smart.
Tristan replied that he didnt think that was a good idea. He sent me a link to a study about PO4 uptake in coastal waters in Hawaii, (organic vs inorganic PO4 ...phytoplankton and bacteria were studied. Short version is that inorgantic/orthophosphates were preferred by bacteria -
Link to PDF.
He also asked me to do a 20% water change and wait a week to see what happened.
The skimmer has been offline, (cleaned and removed from the sump entirely) since 10-21-2015.
I did a 40 gallon water change on 11-05-2015. I used Instant Ocean salt mix for the water change, and the freshly mixed IO showed 0.00 ppm PO4.
On 11-05-2015 at approx 8 pm, PO4 tested at 0.06 ppm.
It's only been 5 days since the water change and here are the system parameters as of 30 minutes ago:
DKH - 8.75 (Salifert)
Ca - 405 ppm (Salifert)
Mg - 1440 ppm (Salifert)
NO3 - Between 2.5-5 ppm (Salifert)
PO4 - 0.04 ppm (Hanna 96713)
Salinity 1.025 via refractometer.
activate was only dosed three times, 7mls each time on 11-01-2015, 11-02-2015, and 11-04-2015.
Corals now look "happier".
I goofed in adding the activate before bouncing it off of Tristan. My thought process was that activate was designed for freshwater plants, and would most likely consist of organic PO4 vs inorganic, although I honestly dont know.
I am however, very happy to have some PO4 in the system.
Ideally, I'll be able to dial down the NO3 & PO4 to 2.5 ppm and 0.02 ppm respectively.
I need to wait longer before doing anything else to ensure my PO4 levels are not just a short term rise, before they fall off the map again.
I'm also not sure how rapid the changes I made in this time frame will show up...IE, is the rise in PO4 due to the skimmer being taken off line, me adding activate to the tank 3 times, the water change, or a combination of all three?
There are some very smart people here who can certainly offer their insights on this....which is why I'm posting this here, even though I end up looking like a neurotic impatient freakshow.