what kind of test kid are you guys using to test for boron? what is your target for boron and how do you supplement it if low?
how do you guys clean your arid reactor? vinegar? muriatic acid, what percentage and what method, soak, run solution through with pump? how often?
i just set mines up 4 days ago, need advice, don't want to screw this up...
I switched from a sump system with chaeto because I was getting a lot of long hair algae and it was choking the chaeto. I put a emperor aquatic uv sterilizer in front of the arid hoping to kill any water born algae before it gets into the reactor. will post outcome...
Any updates on this? I just bought a used 18" one and would love some tips and to see how they've been doing over the long haul. Thanks.
I use the Salfert Boron test kit. It's been awhile since I checked it and it was at approximately 4.5 ppm which is within parameters.Borax (The detergent additive) is what you use to raise boron levels. I was surprised when Tristan (Pax Bellum CEO) suggested that...but I've used it once before to raise it up a little with no issues. I've only had to clean out my reactor twice in the soon to be three years I've had it, and I soaked it vineager (run through the feed pump into a bucket to recirculate through the reactor). I have had hair algea start growing inside the reactor before, which killed off the cheato, required shutting down, scrubbing with a tooth brush, and restarting. And I've had cyano start up inside the reactor which will kill off chaeto, so I just go lights out on the reactor for 3 days to kill off the cyano. No issues.
How is the UV working?
I'm the OP of this thread, and in April, I will have had my reactor running for 3 years. It works great, and as mentioned before, has had to be shut down due to either hair algae growth or cyano growth inside the reactor.
My reactor has been trouble free for the most part. I'm seeing some heat/stress cracks in the light tunnel of my reactor where the light core sits. Havent contacted Pax Bellum about it yet because I work a rotating shift and I'm on midnights right now and I keep forgetting to speak to them about it to see what (if anything) should be done about it. It's still water tight, no leaks and no issues, just aesthetically not very pretty, but it sits inside the reactor I use to grow algae....so I dont know how pretty it should be and I dont really see it anyway...
JBNY has had his reactor longer than mine, but I'm still happy with it over all, and feel it was a good purchase.
I use the Salfert Boron test kit. It's been awhile since I checked it and it was at approximately 4.5 ppm which is within parameters.Borax (The detergent additive) is what you use to raise boron levels. I was surprised when Tristan (Pax Bellum CEO) suggested that...but I've used it once before to raise it up a little with no issues. I've only had to clean out my reactor twice in the soon to be three years I've had it, and I soaked it vineager (run through the feed pump into a bucket to recirculate through the reactor). I have had hair algea start growing inside the reactor before, which killed off the cheato, required shutting down, scrubbing with a tooth brush, and restarting. And I've had cyano start up inside the reactor which will kill off chaeto, so I just go lights out on the reactor for 3 days to kill off the cyano. No issues.
How is the UV working?
I'm the OP of this thread, and in April, I will have had my reactor running for 3 years. It works great, and as mentioned before, has had to be shut down due to either hair algae growth or cyano growth inside the reactor.
My reactor has been trouble free for the most part. I'm seeing some heat/stress cracks in the light tunnel of my reactor where the light core sits. Havent contacted Pax Bellum about it yet because I work a rotating shift and I'm on midnights right now and I keep forgetting to speak to them about it to see what (if anything) should be done about it. It's still water tight, no leaks and no issues, just aesthetically not very pretty, but it sits inside the reactor I use to grow algae....so I dont know how pretty it should be and I dont really see it anyway...
JBNY has had his reactor longer than mine, but I'm still happy with it over all, and feel it was a good purchase.
My reactor has been trouble free for the most part. I'm seeing some heat/stress cracks in the light tunnel of my reactor where the light core sits. Havent contacted Pax Bellum about it yet because I work a rotating shift and I'm on midnights right now and I keep forgetting to speak to them about it to see what (if anything) should be done about it. It's still water tight, no leaks and no issues, just aesthetically not very pretty, but it sits inside the reactor I use to grow algae....so I dont know how pretty it should be and I dont really see it anyway...
^^^^anyone else that has experience with the arid feel free to reply
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I have a similar sized tank (CadLight Artisan 70) and is IMO heavily stocked with 11 wrasses and 2 Watanabei angels, mix of LPS and softies. I started this tank last June and put an Arid E24 online at the same time during cycling without any skimmer.
Nitrates were easily handled and stayed between 0 to .02 (Salifert) but Phosphates needed to be controlled via GFO due to the fact that I do not dose Nitrates. My P04 got up to 2.75 ppm in 4 months and now I have it down to .27 ppm via GFO.
So in essence, Yes an Arid can zero out N03 from a heavy bio-load of feeding but cannot handle the resulting P04 unless you tinker and either dose N03 or what I do and use GFO.