I still have colonies going from the very first "armageddon" zoanthid I ever bought about 5 years ago. Bought it as a single polyp for the going rate. I now have a couple hundred of them and have fragged hundreds along the way.
Of course, it was a devils armor and not a armageddon I paid for. That red crossign the oral disk is what clearly sets them apart visually. The easy to keep thing vs the you will eventually fail thing is what sets them apart otherwise. Ive had the real ones a coupla times as well.
I would be interested in true species name on these zoanthids though. Armageddons, like devils armor, and pink zippers for that matter, all can develop the very pronounced bat design. One has to wonder if this could possibly mean they may be all the same species. That bat thing can be quite unique and striking in any large zoanthid when you get it to show crisply.
all three of those polyps I just mentioned all have apparently the exact same form and size as well. There are others that do the bat as well, I cant recall at this time though