Armor of Gods: Palys or zoas?


New member
I have some Armor or Gods and they seem to be getting an elongated stalk. Are they zoas or Palys? Im trying to figure out if its light related and i should be moving them up higher. ???
Hey BT,

this colony was started from a frag from george. they get big and really pretty.
I believe they are Palys. Mine eat like pigs. Feed them mysis once a week. Grow like weeds.

Some Zoanthids spp. eat just like Palythoa spp. too. :D
The fact that they close fast when you offer food doesn't classify them under "palys".
But the zoanthids on the picture are probably a Palythoa sp.

look at the mat they form zoanthids typically form a smooth textured skin while paly's use sand to form their mat. I believe armor of gods are a sp. of larger polyp zoanthinds.
Some Zoanthids spp. eat just like Palythoa spp. too. :D
The fact that they close fast when you offer food doesn't classify them under "palys".
But the zoanthids on the picture are probably a Palythoa sp.


Yes, I took a time today and did a search looking at more pictures of the so called "Armor of Gods" zoas and came to the conclusion that they are probably Zoanthus sp.
I think was wrong.:wildone:

I didn't take much time to realize they are a Zoanthus sp.
That actually was a cheap mistake of my part. :thumbdown
There is lots of Zoanthus called Palys in the hobby and to me, the one in question is one of them.
I'm not an expert in any way and I'm just speaking my mind here. Just an opinion after looking at pictures related to the search "Armor of God zoas".
I do not have that species of Zoanthus and I don't think it's from Hawaii.
We can keep only Hawaiian zoas around here.

We can keep only Hawaiian zoas around here.


really , thats interesting and sad , living in a place where these rules dont apply what is the purpose?? to stop importing of colonies that arnt native to hawaii??

how do they regulate it??

sorry for the questions just never heard of this before:)

Yep, they don't want to have introduced species in Hawaiian waters.

The rules apply. Why and how wouldn't they?

All marine invertebrates from other places are illegal here.
We can keep only fishes from other places and local inverts, except hard corals.
No live rocks too!!!
If you collect zoas they need to come without any piece of rock and with permit to do so!!
All I have here are local zoas, other local inverts like snails and cucumbers, and fishes.
All with permit. My rocks are artificial made out of concrete and dry coral skeletons and dry pieces of live rocks found on the beach after storms.
Even sand collection is under law!

In regards to regulation: if they catch you you'll need to pay fine and/or go to jail.

We teach our kids the regulations, so they can pass on.
We are very sad when we see the pictures of the beautiful zoas you guys can have.
Please enjoy those South Pacific and Caribbean zoas for us!! :D
