Article: 'Unprecedented die-off' of Caribbean coral

I love this topic. First off I would like to separate the discussion of coastal pollution from global warming. Coastal pollution is a travesty and those responsible should have what's coming to them.

Global warming is a fabulous study in the fear factor. Anyone remember Valley Forge and the crossing of the Delaware? Remember the pics of Washington and his men shivering in the cold? Well pretty much since then the globe has been warming.

Our planet has had an unprecedented period of stable climate lasting 10000 years. Ice cores from Greenland and the poles show our planet is capable of very sudden climate changes independent of any human influence.

In my job I deal with extremely intelligent individuals who spend all their time creating and working with computer models. As such I am well aware garbage in =garbage out. A computer model is only worth what is put into it. It always amazes me how much the media swoons for the latest paper with a computer model. Computer models are notorius for saying what the creater meant it to say. Not necesarily on purpose. Some interesting studies on biases showed lots of unintentional biases crept into all sorts of experiments that always tended to back up the predicted result. That's why clinical trials are almost always double blind.

I guess I'm the hard data sort of guy. When the computer models can't even match the climate of the past 5 years then how will it predict the next 10? One thing that always gets me is the lack of hard data. And the proliferation of "romantic" ideas that sound really good. Look back at US temp records dating back to before 1850. Oh wait you can't anymore. They were taken down. Well what they showed was the US temp in rural areas did start to increase before 1850 and have been rising ever since. Started rising well before the CO2 levels were measured to be on the rise. In fact temps did drop for a couple years just when the CO2 levels started to rise. Hmmm. Yep that greenhouse gas must be the cause of global warming. For fun reading dig into how much the Kyoto accords were really meant to decrease global temps.

So what can be the cause? Almost none of the computer models take into account solar fluctuations or orbit variations even though we know the Moander minimum set off a major ice age and we know earth orbit variations caused mini ice ages in the past. Sun spot cycles cause major climate changes when the cycles start to overlap each other. We do know land use change has had a significant impact on land temps. Unfortunately no one has any clue as to how to fix these land use impacts. But also no one can show how these will raise the pole temps or the ocean temps.

The fear factor I mentioned above. Seems global warming starting hitting the mainstream within a year of the Berlin Wall coming down. Nice coincidence.

Ok I'll get off my soap box now. Yes I believe the Earth is warming up. I do think we need to better understand land use. And I'm all for reducing pollution. I refuse to drive a SUV etc. I've studied alternative energy sources for several semesters in school. I believe they can really help. The economics of oil now makes this more likely. We need to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. All of the above. But I do not believe greenhouse gases are the major cause of global warming.

To frame this for the reefs. The 10000 years I mentioned of stable climate had enabled reefs to grow where they never did before. And to a much larger extent with greater diversity than ever before. This 10000 year stability had never happened before as far back as they have been able to analyze the ice cores.

I've had my say. This would be a great happy hour topic over several 6 packs.:D It is a fascinating highly complicated subject.
Just to put a little light on this thread. I tried to do my part in helping the worlds reefs. I was diving with my brother (Bob) in Florida last July, weeks after Dennis hit the Keys. I was turn all the corals laying in the sand upright. Bob laughed at me when we surfaced, he said "Stop aquascaping the ocean, it's been doing this for millions of years I think they will be ok" Kind of seems comical but I think a quote from Jurassic Park fits well here "Life will find a way"

I agree life will find a way, but that does not mean that we cant help out! Its kind of like seeing a dog get hit by a car, may be it will live, but it could sure use a trip to the vet. I comend your efforts Ed. JMO
I do not agree either that GH gases are the sole cause. But it really does not take a climatologist to understand the basic theories of the atmosphere, gases, ozone layers, ceilings, and the dramatic change that the earth is sustaining in an extremely abbreviated amount of time. There are several billion people on this planet, and a large number of those people have almost zero impact. But I've travelled throughout Asia most of my life, and that number is growing at a fast clip. Take a look at how quickly Phoenix turned into another LA with regards to smog. Now think about a couple billion people who are about to start driving cars in this generation ... and you think the US has poor regulations ...

Owsi, sorry if I came off badly, I didn't mean it. I just don't think you can EVER give too much thought to a subject as important as this. Even if its all overblown, the positives to cleaning up our act surely outweighs the negative?

LOL Ed. I can only imagine you aquascaping Hawaii.

I wanna see Phil drink a six pack. ;-)
Phil, you always write so eloquently. I usually ignore long posts except yours.

Ed, terrific. It reminds me of the starfish story I always try to remember and use to guide myself when making decisions. It is also related to Clint's post. It's corny but I will post it here anyway:

A guy was walking on the beach with a friend when he sees thousands of starfish stranded on the beach and they were dieing. He picked some up and threw them back in the ocean. He friend remarked that there are thousands and he couldn't possibly make a difference. He picked up another starfish and threw it back into the ocean and the replied to his friend, "I made a difference to that one."
You know, this is very interesting but we'll probably find out the real cause of it all is 550,000,000 gph powerheads that have been strategically submersed in the ocean to increase velocity on travel routes for submarines. You know how those submersibles crank up the temp!
David, I am a very straight talking non PC person. I will make my point about my beliefs, if it offends or irritates, so be it.. With people I respect (don't get big-headed, but I do respect your thoughts and opinions), I will drop it if I feel folks are not seeing my point and it can't change things anyway. I feel human nature is stronger then good intentions, the Kyoto accords would just punish our success as a Nation, but have nil effect on the over all balance of nature. By the time things get bad science will have found the next step in progress or we as a species will step aside. Not to bring Religion into this, I am a christian, but also believe natural progression fits into all of this.