Asfur Angel


Dark Lord of Sriracha!
Staff member
RC Mod
I recently heard a rumor that Daniel Knop was recommending juvenile asfur angels (Pomacanthus asfur) for aiptasia control, and wanted to get feedback on this. The claim is this fish won't bother with Acroporids nor Tridacnids, yet Scott Michael (Pocket Guide) says they may pick on the mantles of Tridacnids. Also the asfur is supposed to be easier to keep then a copper band butterfly (Chelman rostratus).

I'm currently experiencing a population explosion of Aiptasia sp. and I'm looking for a natural means of erradication. The peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) I added are about useless.

Any thoughts or experiences with this?

Eleven views and no takers? Surely someone has a point of view on this subject! :rolleyes:
I cant help you much,but I have aruseta asfur 2 years in my reef without problem,sometimes he/she eat zoanthus polips and actinodiscus but without serious damage.I dont know about aiptasia because I dont have them even I put few time corals with aiptasia on the rock in aquarium,maybe he/she eat them.
I always think why I dont have aiptasia problem ,so maybe asfur really take aiptasia under control
And yes is very hardy fish.
Sorry for my english.
I have a 4in asfur angel in my 125 sps reef he/she nips at the large aptasia, and ever since I got the asfur ther been no smaller aptasia. I'm looking to sell this fish s if anyone would like to buy him e-mail me - Im selling him beause he doesn't get along with my emperor angel and he is getting too big. I was going to put him in my large tank I will be setting up in a year, but I have no were to put the emperor right now. The asfur doesnt eat anythng I have put in the tank, sps,lps,mushrooms,button polyps,yellow polyps,and xenia.

now youve done it! i am in the same situation as you, only i havent tried the pepermint shrimp yet...and i dont know if i will.

but the thought of an asfur in my reef is spinning around in my head now.

if the asfur can be as beneficial as a copperband, but more hardy and not as high a risk to other corals and clams as the copperband. it may just be my solution.

i'm afraid i must now spend countless hours scouring the forums and the net for any info on this. i'll let you know if i come up with anything.

JohnL, where is this aiptasia eating copperband you refer to? i would love a copperband as centerpiece fish in my tank. do you have experience with one in a reef tank? does it go after anything else? like clams?
FWIW, a couple years ago, I accquired an Asfur from a private party who swore to me that not only wouldn't it bother acros, but it was actually RAISED in a tank full of them so it was used to having them around. It took all of five minutes in my tank before it started nipping away at mine. Now, granted, this one was not a juvie but I'd still be very careful about doing this as I've seen them actually work in reefs and then also become pretty blue nightmares. This species seems highly individualistic, IME.
Thanks. You said the magic word(s) that convinced me to take a pass. No way do I want to take a chance on a fish that might decide my acropora are a tasty treat. :eek2:

Everyone else,
Thanks for all the replies.

Your copperband is looking better and better all the time. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=436515#post436515 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 64Ivy
FWIW, a couple years ago, I accquired an Asfur from a private party who swore to me that not only wouldn't it bother acros, but it was actually RAISED in a tank full of them so it was used to having them around. It took all of five minutes in my tank before it started nipping away at mine. Now, granted, this one was not a juvie but I'd still be very careful about doing this as I've seen them actually work in reefs and then also become pretty blue nightmares. This species seems highly individualistic, IME.
Michael- I realize this is a very old thread, but how long did you leave this asfur in your aquarium before removing it?

(The reason I ask is because I've seen some Angelfish that immediately took to nipping healthy Acropora polyps only to be weaned off bothering Acropora after several weeks/months time.)